{section: Welcome to the Condor Flightworthy Development Wiki}
{subsection: User FAQs}
*: {wiki: HowToAdminRecipes Administrator HOWTO Recipes}
*: {wiki: MakingContributions How to make a contribution}
*: {wiki: ProvideContribModules How to provide a contrib module}
*: {wiki: ContribModules List of available contrib modules}
*: {wiki: DagManUnderCondorc Running DAGMan itself as a Condor-C job}
*: {wiki: SoapWisdom Using SOAP with Condor} - includes a Python/suds example
*: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/ports.html Ports and Where They Work}
*: {wiki: PortsTable The Ports Table}
{subsection: People who maintain and author Condor}
*: {wiki:DeveloperHomePages Developer Home Pages}
*: {wiki:CondorContributors Condor Contributors Past and Present}
{subsection: Really Important Stuff}
*: {wiki: SourceCodeBranches What branch should receive my code?}
*: {wiki: DeveloperReleasePlan Work plan for upcoming releases}
*: {link: http://nmi-s006.cs.wisc.edu/results/Run-condor.php Nightly build results} ({link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/testsuite/buildandtestblog.html Built-Test Blog})
*: {link: http://condor-git.cs.wisc.edu/ GitWeb} (and deprecated {link: http://bonsai.cs.wisc.edu/bonsai/cvsqueryform.cgi Bonsai})
*: {wiki: PublicGitRepo Info on how gitweb is updated} and which branches are mirrored to gitweb
*: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/download_stats/downloads.html Download Analysis}
*: {link: http://tonic.cs.wisc.edu:8080 Coverity-found bugs}
*: Flightworthy meetings (in 4259)
*:: Tuesdays @ 3:00
*:: Fridays @ 2:15
*:: Todd's bridge: 712-432-0175, access code: 733599#
*: {link:https://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/effort/develop/ Effort Tracking}
{subsection: Building and Testing Condor}
*: {wiki: DownloadingSource Download Condor source code}
*: {wiki: BuildingCondorOnUnix Building Condor on Unix}
*: {wiki: TestingCondorOnUnix Testing Condor on Unix}
*: {wiki: BuildingCondorOnWindows Building Condor on Windows}
*: {wiki: TestingCondorOnWindows Testing Condor on Windows}
*: {wiki: NmiBuild Building Condor in NMI}
*: {wiki: NmiTest Testing Condor in NMI}
*: {wiki: NmiBuildOlderRelease Building an Older Release in NMI}
*: {wiki: ResubmitLastNightsBuilds Resubmitting nightly builds in NMI}
*: {wiki: IgorStressTest} The Igor Stress Test
*: {wiki: ContinuousBuildAndTestsInNmi Continuous build and tests in NMI}
*: {wiki: BuildingWindowsMsi Creating the Windows MSI}
{subsection: Information for New Members}
*: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/overview/ Non-technical overview}
*: {wiki: DeveloperTechnicalOverview Technical overview}
*: {wiki: PortingCondorInfo Porting Condor Info}
*: {wiki: CreatingPersonalCondor Creating a Personal Condor}
*: {wiki: EmacsSettingsForCondorCodingStyle Emacs Settings For Condor Coding Style}
{subsection: Information for Collaborators}
*: {wiki: LigoCollaboration Ligo}
{subsection: Development Documents}
_:Design, requirements, or implementation notes.
*: {wiki: StudentProjects Student Project Ideas}
*: {wiki: CodeCruft List of cruft that could be expunged from the code}
*: {wiki: DevelopersEnhancements 7.3 series enhancements}
*: DraftWikiHomePage
*: {wiki: IpvSixWorkNote Condor IPv6 Port Work Note}
*: {wiki: IpvSixWorkNoteTwo Condor IPv6 Port Work Note second}
*: {wiki: HfcRequirements High Frequency Computing Requirements}
*: {wiki: HfcDesignAndProgress High Frequency Computing Design and Progress}
*: {wiki: NeosMigration NEOS Server Migration}
*: {wiki: WindowsInstallerConfig Windows Installer Config}
{subsection: 3rd Party Software}
*: {wiki: MicrosoftDeveloperNetworkMembership MSDN Membership}
*: {wiki: RedHatNetworkMembership RHN Membership}
*: {wiki: PrivateCompuwareDevPartner Compuware DevPartner (for UW staff only)}
{subsection: Wisdom}
*: {wiki: ReleasePunchList Release Punch-List}
*: {wiki: GitTracAccounts Creating GitTrac Accounts}
*: {wiki: GitWisdom Git Wisdom}
*: {wiki: VersionHistoryHowTo Version History How To}
*: #1377 How our download pages work.
*: #1397 How our nightly builds work.
*: {wiki: DaemonMeditations Daemon Meditations - Control flows in daemons}
*: {wiki: AddConfigParams Adding Configuration File Parameters}
*: {wiki: RepositoryBackups Repository Backups}
*: {wiki: MemoryProfiling Profiling Memory Usage}
*: {wiki: ExecutionProfiling Profiling Code Execution}
*: SyscallMode (Feb. 1999)
*: JavaUniverse (Dec. 2001)
*: {wiki: CreatingNewDaemons Creating a new daemon} (Feb. 2002)
*: {wiki: MpiWisdom MPI Wisdom} (July 2002)
*: {wiki: VmwareInOut Ins and Outs of VMWARE Jobs} (Nov 2009)
*: {wiki: CodingGuidelinesAndRulesForImake Coding Guidlines/Rules when using Imake in the Condor build system} (May 2004)
*: details about {wiki: DetailsAboutCondorStats condor_stats} (Jan 2004)
*: {wiki: AddingNewComponentToBuildTree Adding a new component to build tree} (Jan 2004)
*: {wiki: AddingNewExternalPackage Adding a new external package}
*: {wiki: CondorErrorDataStructure CondorError data structure} (Jan 2006)
*: {wiki: AutoclustingAndSignificantAttributes Autoclustering and SIGNIFICANT_ATTRIBUTES} (Jan 2006)
*: {wiki: PerformingCodeReviews Performing Code Reviews}
*: {wiki: StorkWisdom Stork } (June 2006)
*: {wiki: DebuggingSmashedStacks Debugging Smashed Stacks} (Aug 2006)
*: {wiki: WindowsDevelopmentAndDebugging Windows Development and Debugging}
*: {link: http://www.ibiblio.org/gferg/ldp/GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO.html GCC Inline Assembly Tutorial}
*: {wiki: WisdomGsiSetup HOWTO quickly setup GSI Security for testing}
*: {wiki: MagicNumbers Magic Numbers in Condor and Grid Software}
*: ArchitectureManuals
*: {wiki: BuildModernization Build Modernization} (CMAKE)
*: {wiki: VmUniverse VM Universe}
*: {wiki: CondorNativePackages Condor Native Packages}
*: {wiki: CondorUserFortune Condor users' tips in a fortune file}
*: {wiki: MyStringVsStdString Differences between MyString and std::string}
*: {wiki: ReleasingClassAds Releasing a new ClassAds version}
*: {wiki: ScriptingGitTrac Scripting against GitTrac}
{subsection: Running Commmon Applications in Condor Pool}
*: {wiki: RunningRincondorPoolComingSoon Running R (coming soon)}
*: {wiki: RunningMatlab Running Matlab}
{subsection: Manuals and Other Documentation}
*: {wiki: ManualEntryGuidelines Manual Entry Guidelines}
*: {wiki: ManualIndexEntries Manual Index Entries How To}
*: Old manuals: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v6.6 6.6}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v6.7 6.7}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v6.8 6.8}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v6.9 6.9}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.0 7.0}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.1 7.1}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.2 7.2}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.3 7.3}, {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.4/ 7.4}
*: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/publications.html Research Publications }
{subsection: Condor Testsuite Info}
*: {wiki: TestAddHowto All about the test suite }
*: {wiki: RunCmd Our system call interface - runcmd}
{subsection: UW RUST and Pool Maintenance}
*: #1269 Responsibilities of current RUST-watcher
*: {wiki: UsingRust How to use RUST}
*: {wiki: RustFaqs Answers to RUST FAQs}
{subsection: Links related to CVSTrac and Interacting with it}
*: ReportWritingTips
*: FrequentlyAskedQuestions
*: CvstracDocumentation
*: WikiDocumentation
*: CreatingNewWiki
{subsection: NMI Project}
*: {link: https://nmi.cs.wisc.edu/ NMI Home }
*: {link: http://nmi-s006.cs.wisc.edu/nmi/?page=pool/index NMI Pool Status }
*: {link: http://nmi-s006.cs.wisc.edu/nmi/?page=results/overview NMI Build/Test Results }