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For instructions on building HTCondor with vs2008, see Building HTCondor with vs2008 on Windows.

For instructions on building HTCondor in releases prior to 7.5.5, see Building HTCondor prior to 7.5.5 on Windows.

For information about the conversion of the build process from project files to cmake see BuildModernization

Building HTCondor with cmake on Windows


In order to build HTCondor on Windows, the following prerequisites are required. They need to be in the PATH before you can build. There is a batch file msconfig\set_build_env.bat in the HTCondor sources that will locate the installed prerequisites and set the PATH for you if you don't wish to add them to your global PATH.

  1. Install 7-zip. Add it to your PATH. 7-zip is not needed to build, but it is needed to make the HTCondor .ZIP file. You will not be able to build the PACKAGE target witout 7-zip.

  2. [Optional] install git and add it to your PATH, git is one way to get the HTCondor sources. It is not needed if you already have the sources.

  3. Cmake 2.8.3 or later, the Cmake\bin directory should be added your PATH. For now, be sure to use CMake 2.8 and not CMake 3.

  4. Install Active Perl. Add it to your PATH.

  5. Install Visual Studio. Add it to your PATH.

  6. [Optional] Start Visual Studio and Open Tools->Options under "Projects and Solutions" click on VC++ Directories and add the following to the Executable directories. This is not needed if you use msconfig\set_build_env.bat to set the PATH before you build.
    • $(SolutionDir)\msconfig
    • Move $(PATH) to the bottom as sometimes C:\cygwin\bin is in the $(PATH) which can cause issues with HTCondor's bundled binaries.

  7. [Optional] Install 32-bit Python 2.8. This is needed to build and/or use the python bindings. It must be the same bitness as the HTCondor binaries, which means 32-bit for now.

  8. [Optional] Install WiX 3.0 on your windows machine (Depends on Visual Studio). WiX is not needed to build, but it is needed to create the MSI installer.

  **IMPORTANT GIT CONFIG for windows** you most set a global git config value or patch files will fail because the sources will be modified during cloning of the repository.

from command line enter:
git config -global core.autocrlf false


1.) Open a windows commmand prompt (you can use the command prompt provided by the Visual Studio installation "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 2012\Visual Studio Tools\Developer Command Prompt for VS2012")

2.) Checkout origin/master from the git repository, or download the HTCondor Sources

3.) navigate to the root directory of the sources, it is called CONDOR_SRC if you are a using a git clone. (The root directory has a file called configure_uw in it.)

4.) add cmake\bin to your PATH if it is not already. One way to do this is to execute msconfig\set_build_env.bat. This will setup PATH, LIB, and INCLUDE environment variables to build HTCondor. If this batch file cannot find cmake.exe It will report an error.

5.) [Optional] If you want to use cached externals set the environment variable CONDOR_BLD_EXTERNAL_STAGE to the path of the externals cache. Using cached externals can save a lot of time if you plan to build HTCondor more than once. For example

set CONDOR_BLD_EXTERNAL_STAGE=c:\scratch\condor_externals

6.) The the cmake build supports both in-source and out-of-source builds. Out- of-source is better if you are building from git. If you are building from a the source tarball, then in-source is simpler. For in-source execute this

cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" .
for out-of-source builds, navigate to the build destination folder and execute cmake; passing it the path to the HTCondor sources. For example
REM assuming that the current directory is CONDOR_SRC
set _condor_sources=%CD%
mkdir c:\scratch\condor\build
cd /d c:\scratch\condor\build
cmake CMakeLists.txt -G "Visual Studio 11" %_condor_sources%
This will create Visual Studio Project and Solution files to build HTCondor. Many options can be passed to cmake, see CondorCmakeBuildOptions for more information. You can also use the cmake-gui to set options.

6.) Once you have used cmake to build Condor.sln, you can build on the command line or interactively. The options are

devenv condor.sln /Rebuild RelWithDebInfo /project ALL_BUILD
or open Condor.sln in Visual Studio and build interactively.

Note - If the build fails remove external and local build folders

Then start over. We don't recover well after a failed build.

Building Tests

Build the tests target in the Condor.sln Solution File. Once built you can run all the batch tests as before.

Copying Build results to the release Directory

There is a cmake file that will copy the build products to the correct subdirectories of a HTCondor installation. This can be used to overwrite an existing HTCondor install, or to layout the HTCondor files in preparation for making the installer.

cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=c:\scratch\condor\release_dir -P cmake_install.cmake

Note: Building the INSTALL target in the Condor.sln solution file invokes this cmake file. It will copy build results to $(SolutionDir)\release_dir

Making the MSI installer

The WiX programs are used to create the MSI installer. Before you can create the MSI, you must copy build results to a release directory. See above.

To build the MSI, make sure that WiX is in your PATH, then navigate to the release dir and run etc\WiX\do_wix.bat passing the path to the release dir and the name of the output MSI file as arguments. For example, if your release dir is c:\scratch\condor\release_dir you would execute

cd c:\scratch\condor\release_dir
etc\WiX\do_wix.bat %CD% c:\scratch\condor\Condor-X.Y.Z-winnt-x86.msi