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KeyCache, uses sockaddr_in for storing ip addr. before modify, be sure to look at the overall picture.

Note for constants

Don't forget constants that should be adjusted!

MAXMACHNAME : seen in file_transfer_db.c, stores the result of sin_to_hostname.


[zach] implemented by mostly Todd, and little bit by Zach and Dan.

IpVerify verifies the remote process's ip from the configuration file. There are many lines that are referring to DCpermission. I am bit confused here. I do not understand what 'DCpermission' made for.

Ulrich Mystery

Ulrich's Userlevel IPv6 Programming Introductionn -

He denotes gethostbyaddr() as an obsolete. However, gethostbyaddr() accepts a socket type as a parameter. (AF_INET, AF_INET6) That means it should work well with IPv6. Why it is obsolete??

Converting Sock

Sock is not only used by TCP/UDP connection but also used by Unix domain socket (AF_UNIX). Basically, Sock can only create TCP or UDP socket internally but SharedEndPoint and SharedPortClient creates Unix domain socket and calls Sock::assign() to pass the descriptor.

I guess this is broken abstraction since Sock has IP related functions such as peer_addr() or peer_port() which are not available to Unix domain socket.

It seems assign() is only used by these Shared* thing. So maybe we could end up with refactoring it.

What is it?