{section: Mark Coatsworth's Braindump} Contact: =mark.coatsworth@gmail.com= {subsection: HTCondor Week} The vast majority of information needed for HTCondor Week planning is in the following document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16NUrbKkC9AVuysaLBkIYn0XZBP9aSw3ubseNaneKH8I/edit# You'll need access to the following resources: *: Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0AFWs9GYd6arpUk9PVA *:: This contains all the documents used for previous iterations of HTCondor Week. *:: Especially useful: each folder contains a document called *HTCondor Week 20## Email Announcements* with all the copy used that year. Much of this can be reused. *: Indico Site: https://agenda.hep.wisc.edu/category/34/ *:: Every year we make a new event called *HTCondor Week 20##*. *:: Anybody publishing information on here will require Manager access. Currently only Mark Coatsworth, Jason Patton and Todd Tannebaum are managers. *: Registration page: all registrations and payments come in via https://charge.wisc.edu/condor/register.aspx *:: Updates and changes to this page are managed by Eric Simons (eric.simons@wisc.edu) *:: Backend interface to see registration data: https://charge.wisc.edu/wisccharge/index.aspx *: Mailing Lists: all email announcements should get sent to the following lists. The Google doc mentioned at the top contains the admin passwords for these lists. *:: htcondor-users@cs.wisc.edu *:: htcondor-friends@cs.wisc.edu (https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/admin/htcondor-friends/members/list) *:: htcondor-world@cs.wisc.edu (https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/admin/htcondor-world/members/list) *:: Additionally, we maintain a mailing list at htcondor-week@cs.wisc.edu for all incoming email related to HTCondor Week (https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/admin/htcondor-week/members/list) *: Surveys: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/homepage/ui {subsection: PATh Metrics} *: All information related to PATh metrics reporting is on a Wiki Page: https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/wiki?p=PrivatePathMetricsReporting {subsection: DAGMan} *: DAGMan recently shipped two major updates: *:: All =MyString= instances have been replaced with =std::string= *::: If this results in any bugs, there is no workaround. You'll need to find the bug and fix it. It will help to look at an older version of the code to see what the MyStrings are doing (ie. https://github.com/htcondor/htcondor/tree/V9_5_0-branch) *:: DAGMan now submits jobs by writing them directly to the _condor_schedd_, instead of forking a _condor_submit_ process. *::: If this results in any bugs, you can revert to the old behavior by setting =DAGMAN_USE_DIRECT_SUBMIT = False= *: Otherwise, DAGMan is in a steady state. There aren't any big projects in active development. *: Some more detailed notes are available in the following document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f0vc2DTJvH8wQLa87gcFHy0Tpd86cyTweD2-GmxfD8o/edit {subsection: LIGO} *: Outstanding Jira tickets: *:: Better client tool support for flocked environments ({link: https://opensciencegrid.atlassian.net/browse/HTCONDOR-197 HTCONDOR-197}) *::: This is an umbrella ticket for a bunch of requests related to providing better monitoring tools for jobs running in flocked environments. Some requests are straightforward but others look very complex. *::: Since LIGO uses DAGMan for all their workflows, we figured a good starting point was adding DAGMan integration to the htcondor CLI tool ({link: https://opensciencegrid.atlassian.net/browse/HTCONDOR-929 HTCONDOR-929}) *:: Assist LIGO in transition from shared file systems to HTCondor file transfer ({link: https://opensciencegrid.atlassian.net/browse/HTCONDOR-475 HTCONDOR-475}) *::: This work is blocked, waiting on better support from condor_ssh_to_job. *: *gwdata_plugin* is a file transfer plugin used to retrieve files referenced by LIGO's gwdatafind service. *:: Source code is here: https://github.com/htcondor/htcondor/blob/master/src/condor_scripts/gwdata_plugin.py *:: LIGO's gwdatafind client tool: https://git.ligo.org/computing/gwdatafind/client *:: Plugin needs to run on an execution point with python3 and the =classad= package installed. {subsection: MathWorks} *: I've been working on a Docker container which allows us to use the MATLAB runtime anywhere on CHTC. *:: Source files for this Docker container are in: *moria.cs.wisc.edu:/nobackup/coatsworth/docker/matlab-chtc* *:: A pre-built image is available here: dockerreg.chtc.wisc.edu/markcoatsworth/matlab-chtc *: I've set up a MATLAB Parallel Server environment on CHTC at the following location: *submit5.chtc.wisc.edu:/home/coatsworth/MATLAB/R2021b/bin* *:: In order to use this environment, you need to remove sudo access from your account so that you can ssh into submit5 with going through Duo 2FA. *: A general brain dump document from all my calls with MathWorks is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ELXUnpN2SaUazJp0OecguzmeCUqzKgx6Kz5-9T9seQ/edit {subsection: Pegasus} *: I've been working on a Docker container which allows us to submit Pegasus workflows from CHTC. *:: Source files for this container are in: *moria.cs.wisc.edu:/nobackup/coatsworth/docker/pegasus-chtc* *:: Use the following command to run the container: {code} docker run -d -it --net="host" -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) -v /tmp:/tmp:Z -v /home/${USER}:/home/${USER}:Z --name pegasus-chtc pegasus-chtc {endcode} *:: These is currently one major limitation with this container. It can successfully submit Condor jobs via the _condor_schedd_ running on the host machine, however the Pegasus binaries needed to run workflows are not available on the host. We currently have no solution for this. A couple possible approaches: *::: Make it a requirement that host machines have the Pegasus binaries available somewhere. *::: Add an =entrypoint.sh= file to the Docker container that copies the files to the user's home directory. *: A Google Doc explaining how to install Pegasus directly on CHTC access points and submit workflows is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xnKA3BSOx3QunLyPjNj1onXZ-opYMj4C_vKg7yHJwEs/edit {subsection: Swag} *: Stickers: these were ordered from https://www.stickermule.com/ *:: Look in the =/p/condor/public/swag/stickers= folder. *:: This includes the transparent .png file and a text document describing how to order stickers. *: Koozies: these were ordered from https://24hourwristbands.com/ *:: Look in the =/p/condor/public/swag/koozies= folder. *:: This includes a .png file for the HTCondor logo that appeared on the front *:: The "My Other Computer Is Your Computer" text was added using the in-browser design tool. *:: The folder also includes the receipt from our last order, which contains some other useful details