{section: Overview} For instructions on building HTCondor with vs2008, see {wiki: BuildingHtcondorOnWindowsVsNine Building HTCondor with vs2008 on Windows}. For instructions on building HTCondor in releases *prior to 8.8*, see {wiki: BuildingHtcondorPriorTo88nWindows Building HTCondor prior to 8.8 on Windows}. For information about the conversion of the build process from project files to cmake see {wiki: BuildModernization} {section: Building HTCondor with cmake on Windows} These instructions are designed for building *HTCondor 8.8 or later* on *Windows 10 64-bit* with *Visual Studio 2017*. {subsection: Obtaining Windows} You can download Windows VMs directly from Microsoft's developer site. These are free and full-featured, however they expire after 90 days. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/ {subsection: Prerequisites } In order to build HTCondor on Windows, the following prerequisites are required. They need to be in the PATH before you can build. There is a batch file =msconfig\set_build_env.bat= in the HTCondor sources that will locate the installed prerequisites and set the PATH for you if you don't wish to add them to your global PATH. 1: [Optional] Install 7-zip (64-bit). Add it to your PATH. 7-zip is not needed to build, but it is needed to make the HTCondor .ZIP file. You will not be able to build the PACKAGE target witout 7-zip. *::http://www.7-zip.org/download.html 1: [Optional] Install git (64-bit) and add it to your PATH, git is one way to get the HTCondor sources. It is not needed if you already have the sources. *::http://git-scm.com/download *::You need to set a configuration option to preserve existing line endings. You can either do this during installation, or later by running from the command line: {code} git config --global core.autocrlf false {endcode} 1: Install Active Perl. Add it to your PATH. *::http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads 1: NOTE: Cmake is now bundled with Visual Studio 2017. You don't need to install it separately anymore. 1: Install Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. *::https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/free-developer-offers/ (free for all non-enterprise users) *::During the installation, under Workloads->Windows check *Desktop Development with C++* *::Under the list of Optional components on the right side of the screen (where several items are already selected), check *C++/CLI support*. 1: [Optional] Start Visual Studio and Open Tools->Options under "Projects and Solutions" click on VC++ Directories and add the following to the *Executable* directories. This is not needed if you use =msconfig\set_build_env.bat= to set the PATH before you build. *::$(SolutionDir)\msconfig *::Move $(PATH) to the bottom as sometimes C:\cygwin\bin is in the $(PATH) which can cause issues with HTCondor's bundled binaries. 1: [Optional] Install Python 3.6 64-bit. This is needed to build and/or use the python bindings. *::https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/ *::The default installation directory is buried deep in your home directory. Recommend you install it to C:\Python36 instead. *::Add the following environment variable: PYTHONPATH=C:\Python36;C:\Python36\DLLs;C:\scratch\condor\release_dir\lib\python 6: [Optional] Install WiX 3.0 on your windows machine (Depends on Visual Studio). WiX is not needed to build, but it is needed to create the MSI installer. *::http://wix.codeplex.com/ {subsection: Building } These instructions for building HTCondor from source all assume the following: *:: Your source files live in C:\scratch\condor\src *:: Out-of-source builds live in C:\scratch\condor\src-build *:: Your release/installation folder is C:\scratch\condor\release_dir 1: Open the *Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017*. Note that using the regular command prompt has incorrect environment variables. 1: Checkout origin/master from the git repository. *::From AFS: {code} git clone /p/condor/repository/CONDOR_SRC {endcode} *::From Github: {code} git clone https://github.com/htcondor/htcondor {endcode} 1: Add the c:\scratch\condor\src\msconfig folder to your PATH. 1: [Optional] If you want to use cached externals set the environment variable =CONDOR_BLD_EXTERNAL_STAGE= to the PATH of the externals cache. Using cached externals can save a lot of time if you plan to build HTCondor more than once. For example: {code} set CONDOR_BLD_EXTERNAL_STAGE=c:\scratch\condor\externals {endcode} 1: Run cmake from your source folder. *::For in-source builds: {code} cd C:\scratch\condor\src cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" {endcode} *:: For out-of-source builds: {code} mkdir C:\scratch\condor\src-build cd C:\scratch\condor\src-build cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" C:\scratch\condor\src {endcode} *::This will create Visual Studio Project and Solution files to build HTCondor. Many options can be passed to cmake, see CondorCmakeBuildOptions for more information. You can also use the cmake-gui to set options. 1: Now start the actual build, from whichever folder you ran cmake from: {code} msbuild /m:4 /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo /fl1 ALL_BUILD.vcxproj {endcode} 1: Finally, install your compiled binaries to the release folder. There is a cmake file that will copy the build products to the correct subdirectories of a HTCondor installation. From your source folder, run: {code} cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=c:\scratch\condor\release_dir -P cmake_install.cmake {endcode} ***Note - If the build fails, remove external and local build folders*** **Then start over. We don't recover well after a failed build.** {subsection: Building Tests} Build the *tests* target in the Condor.sln Solution File. Once built you can run all the batch tests as before. Note: Building the *INSTALL* target in the Condor.sln solution file invokes this cmake file. It will copy build results to $(SolutionDir)\release_dir {subsection: Making the MSI installer} The WiX programs are used to create the MSI installer. Before you can create the MSI, you must copy build results to a release directory. See above. To build the MSI, make sure that WiX is in your PATH, then navigate to the release dir and run =etc\WiX\do_wix.bat= passing the path to the release dir and the name of the output MSI file as arguments. For example, if your release dir is =c:\scratch\condor\release_dir= you would execute {code} cd c:\scratch\condor\release_dir etc\WiX\do_wix.bat %CD% c:\scratch\condor\Condor-X.Y.Z-winnt-x86.msi {endcode}