A program that has been condor_compiled takes additional command line options. Generally speaking end users shouldn't need to know this; Condor will invoke them automatically. But for testing or doing checkpointing without the standard universe, this might be useful. _These are officially undocumented and may change without warning!_ *: *-_condor_cmd_fd* - File descriptor that the caller will stream a command file in on. Used by the starter. *: *-_condor_cmd_file * - File to read the command file from. Not used, but may be useful for debugging. *: *-_condor_debug_wait* - Upon starting up, the process will enter an infinite loop, allowing you to attach to a debugger where you can break the loop. *: *-_condor_nowarn* - Disable notice messages. Obsolete, prefer "-_condor_warning UNSUP OFF" *: *-_condor_warning * - Set warning level. *:: __ can be: ALL, NOTICE, READWRITE, UNSUP, BADURL *:: __ can be: ON, OFF, ONCE *: *-_condor_D_* - Add D_ to the debug levels being logged. eg "-_condor_D_FULLDEBUG" turns on D_FULLDEBUG. *: *-_condor_ckpt * - File to checkpoint into. *: *-_condor_restart * - Restart from the checkpoint . Implies "-_condor_ckpt ". For safety and clarity, specify -_condor_ckpt _or_ -_condor_retart, not both. If you specify both, the specified in the last one will be used for both. *: *-_condor_