Here are the areas that should be documented (see gittrac #2815). I re-ordered them somewhat to make the list more logical in terms of related functionality. *: condor_submit_dag/scheduler universe startup *: DAG file parsing *: {wiki: RescueDag Rescue DAG/condor_rm of DAGMan} *: recovery mode/condor_hold/condor_release *: proper ordering of jobs/scripts (ready queue, etc.) *: implementation of PRE/POST script semantics *: reading the user logs *: deciding when the DAG is finished *: ABORT-DAG-ON *: final node *: node variables *: nested DAGs *: splices *: node retries *: submit retries *: DAG-wide throttles (maxjobs, maxidle, maxpre, maxpost) *: category throttles *: depth-first DAG traversal *: node priorities *: halt file *: NOOP nodes (at DAG level) *: multi-job clusters *: strict warnings *: DIR on nodes *: node status file *: jobstate.log file *: dot file *: Stork support