{section: Module Description} DMTCP is a third party user space checkpoint package available from here: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net/ The current integration model of DMTCP with Condor is a shim script with additions to the submit description file for a vanilla universe job. This allows your unmodified vanilla universe job, which could be: dynamically linked executables, processes that fork, Matlab(tm) scripts, etc, to checkpoint and migrate between machines. The download tarball contains a =README= file which contains a manifest and more detailed instructions to how to use the integration software. This software is considered alpha, so the documentation or other things might be a little rough for a bit. {section: Download} |Download|Released| |{link: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~psilord/dmtcp-condor-releases/dmtcp_condor_integration-0.3.tar.gz dmtcp_condor_integration-0.3.tar.gz}|Oct 13th, 2011| |{link: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~psilord/dmtcp-condor-releases/dmtcp_condor_integration-0.2.tar.gz dmtcp_condor_integration-0.2.tar.gz}|Aug 26th, 2011| |{link: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~psilord/dmtcp-condor-releases/dmtcp_condor_integration-0.1.tar.gz dmtcp_condor_integration-0.1.tar.gz}|May 25th, 2011| {section: Contact} Peter Keller (psilord@cs.wisc.edu), a Condor project member, is the author of the DMTCP/Condor integration software. Inquiries, bug reports, or comments about the DMTCP/Condor integration package should be sent to condor-admin at cs.wisc.edu. For help or bug reports relating to DMTCP itself, please subscribe to the dmtcp-forum mailing list located here: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net/mailingLists.html {section: Homepage} The homepage for DMTCP is: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net The homepage for Condor is: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor {section: License} The DMTCP/Condor integration software is released under the Apache 2.0 License. {section: Contributors} People who have contributed to the source code of the DMTCP/Condor integration software include: *: Gene Cooperman *: Michael Hanke