{section: Warning} DMTCP 1.2.6 and probably 1.2.7 appear to have a bug that prevents restarting a checkpoint in a different directory. This prevents DMTCP from working under HTCondor. We are investigating. The current release fails to include all of the required DMTCP libraries in the HTCondor submit files. Be sure all of the .so files are included in transfer_input_files. {section: Module Description} DMTCP is a third party user space checkpoint package available from here: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net/ The current integration model of DMTCP with HTCondor is a shim script with additions to the submit description file for a vanilla universe job. This allows your unmodified vanilla universe job, which could be: dynamically linked executables, processes that fork, Matlab(tm) scripts, etc, to checkpoint and migrate between machines. The download tarball contains a =README= file which contains a manifest and more detailed instructions to how to use the integration software. This software is considered alpha, so the documentation or other things might be a little rough for a bit. {section: Download} |Download|Released| |{link:ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/condor/contrib/dmtcp_condor_integration-0.5-Any-Any.tar.gz dmtcp_condor_integration-0.5}|Mar 25th, 2013| Updates to support more recent releases of DMTCP| |{link:ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/condor/contrib/dmtcp_condor_integration-0.4-Any-Any.tar.gz dmtcp_condor_integration-0.4}|Nov 1st, 2011| |dmtcp_condor_integration-0.3|Oct 13th, 2011| |dmtcp_condor_integration-0.2|Aug 26th, 2011| |dmtcp_condor_integration-0.1|May 25th, 2011| {section: Contact} Alan De Smet, a HTCondor project member, is the current maintainer of the DMTCP/HTCondor integration software. Inquiries, bug reports, or comments about the DMTCP/HTCondor integration package should be sent to condor-admin at cs.wisc.edu. For help or bug reports relating to DMTCP itself, please subscribe to the dmtcp-forum mailing list located here: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net/mailingLists.html {section: Homepage} The homepage for DMTCP is: http://dmtcp.sourceforge.net The homepage for HTCondor is: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor {section: License} The DMTCP/HTCondor integration software is released under the Apache 2.0 License. {section: Contributors} People who have contributed to the source code of the DMTCP/HTCondor integration software include: *: Gene Cooperman *: Michael Hanke {section: Other Notes} See DmtcpCondorDev for notes on developing the DMTCP support in HTCondor.