{section: Perform a clipped port} 1: Installed Debian 7 (in a VM). 1: Installed the Condor build dependences. {code}apt-get build-dep condor{endcode} 1: Installed other random bits and pieces, some of which seem like they should have been pulled in by the build-deps. {code}apt-get install autoconf automake git libtldl-dev libpam-dev bison flex python-dev{endcode} 1: Built. 1: Tested. (See TestingCondorOnUnix.) Needed to correct a number of problems before the test suite fully passed: 1:: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include install/lib. 1:: Copied libvomsapi.so* to install/lib. 1:: Removed a directory created by lib_eventlog_base but not removed when it failed; re-running a third time permitted its success. 1:: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the environment of the submitted job (via the submit file command) for lib_userlog. 1:: Discovered that the test job_file_xfer_md5-remote_van was hanging (and failing after a time-out) because the VM didn't have enough disk space. 1:: Fixed condor_view_classad_types by removing the invalid forward resolution of the host's name from /etc/hosts. {section: Preparation of a new glibc external } {subsection: Locate and see how glibc builds } The package gcc-multilib needs to be installed to compile glibc from the distro source. This is because it also compiles the 32 bit versions. {subsection: Create the glibc external} {subsection: Patch glibc so it honors --enable-static-nss & other features specific to us} {subsection: Check glibc external build} {section: Start a build of HTCondor and see what breaks. Fix incrementally.} {section: Fixing the Test Suite so it builds} {section: Running the test suite and seeing what breaks} {section: Test Suite Passes. Code complete}