This is a collection of how-to recipes. If you have an idea for a recipe that is missing from this page, send an email to {link: htcondor-admin}. If you cannot find a recipe here to help you, consider looking in the {link: Manual} (esp the {link: index} of the manual), and/or consider {link: searching the archives} of the {link: htcondor-users email list}. If you still cannot find what you want, take a look at the available {link: free and paid support options}.
{subsection: FAQs about Pool Administration} *: {wiki: HowToAddJobReq How to add automatic job requirements} *: {wiki: HowToAdjustEnvironment How to adjust the job's environment for the execute machine} *: {wiki: WholeMachineSlots How to allow some jobs to claim the whole machine instead of one slot} *: {wiki: HowToBanMachine How to ban a machine from executing jobs} *: {wiki: HowToBanUser How to ban a user from submitting jobs} *: {wiki: HowToAllowOnlyOneUser How to allow only one user, or a small set of users to run on a given machine.} *: {wiki: HowToConfigureFairShare How to configure a user's fair share of the pool} *: {wiki: HowToConfigureTwoNodePool How to configure a two node pool on the same machine} *: {wiki: HowToConfigureBackfill How to configure backfill tasks such as BOINC using work fetch} *: {wiki: HowToConfigureMpiOnWindows How to configure MPI on Windows} *: {wiki: HowToConfigCollectors How to configure multi-tier collectors} *: {wiki: HowToConfigPrioritiesForUsers How to configure priorities/quotas for groups of users} *: {wiki: HowToConfigJobMonitoringandDebugging How to configure pseudo-interactive job monitoring/debugging} *: {wiki: HowToConfigRunOneJobAndExit How to configure HTCondor on a worker node to run one job and then exit} *: {wiki: HowToDisableFairSharing How to disable fair sharing} *: {wiki: HowToDisablePreemption How to disable preemption} *: {wiki: HowToHaveExecuteMachines How to have execute machines belong to multiple pools} *: {wiki: HowToInsertCustomClassAdIntoJobs How to insert custom ClassAd attributes into a job} *: {wiki: HowToInsertClassAdIntoMachineAds How to insert custom ClassAd attributes into a machine ad} *: {wiki: HowToReserveSlotForSpecialJobs How to reserve a slot or machine for special jobs} *: {wiki: HowToLimitDiskUsageOfJobs How to limit disk usage of jobs} *: {wiki: HowToLimitMemoryUsage How to limit memory usage of jobs} *: {wiki: HowToLimitCpuUsage How to limit CPU usage of jobs} *: {wiki: HowToManageLargeCondorPools How to manage a large HTCondor pool} *: {wiki: HowToMonitorCondorPoolUsage How to monitor HTCondor pool usage} *: {wiki: HowToScavengeCycles How to scavenge cycles from PBS} *: {wiki: HowToSetUpElasticComputeCloudPools How to set up a large pool of EC2 nodes} *: {wiki: HowToSetUserPriority How to set user priority factors automatically by domain or other username pattern} *: {wiki: HowToShutDownCondor How to shut down HTCondor without killing jobs} *: {wiki: HowToSteerJobs How to steer jobs towards more desirable machines} *: {wiki: HowToSuspendJobs How to suspend jobs in place of preemption} *: {wiki: HowToSuspendJobsWithAdmin How to suspend jobs with an administative command} *: {wiki: HowToUpgradeCondorGracefully How to upgrade HTCondor gracefully} *: {wiki: HowToManageGpus How to manage GPUs (OpenCL, CUDA)} *: {wiki: HowToManageGpusInSeriesSeven How to manage GPUs in HTCondor 8.0 or earlier} *: {wiki: HowToDebugClassAdExpressions How to debug complicated ClassAd expressions} *: {wiki: HowToPackParallelJobs How to schedule parallel universe jobs to use the minimum number of physical machines} *: {wiki: HowToEnableIpvSix How to enable IPv6 in the 7.7.x release series} *: {wiki: HowToRunServices How to run services in HTCondor} *: {wiki: HowToEnablePoolPassword How to enable pool password for daemon-to-daemon security} *: {wiki: HowToUsePoolPasswordsAndCcb How to use pool passwords and CCB for cloud startds} *: {wiki: HowToEnableSsl How to enable SSL for daemon-to-daemon security} *: {wiki: HowToMakeShortLivedStartdsDisappearFromCollector How to make Cloud or Glidein startds disappear from the collector faster} *: {wiki: HowToMixFirewallsAndHtCondor How to make HTCondor and Firewalls get along} *: {wiki: HowToRunJobsOnlyOnMachinesWithPreInstalledSoftware How to run jobs on a subset of machines that have some required software pre-installed} *: {wiki: HowToUseConfigScriptToIndicatePreInstalledSoftware How to use a config script to indicate that a machine has some required software pre-installed} *: {wiki: HowToNotCheckpointAllJobsAtOnce How to ensure that many machines do not try to generate a checkpoint at the same time} *: {wiki: HowToConfigRemoteConfig How to enable condor_config_val -rset/-set} *: {wiki: HowToFillPoolBreadthFirst How to "spread" jobs breadth-first across the pool} *: {wiki: HowToMatchMulticoreAfterDrain How to match only Multicore jobs in recently-drained p-slots} *: {wiki: HowToAffinityLockJobsToCpuSockets How to constrain multicore jobs to never crossing physical CPUs on a multi CPU machine} *: {wiki: HowToRunJobsPeriodicallyLikeCron How to run condor jobs on a cron-like schedule (AKA "cronman")} {subsection: FAQs about Job Submission} *: {wiki: HowToChirpRemoteIo How to do remote IO for vanilla universe jobs} *: {wiki: HowToCheckpoint How to checkpoint vanilla universe jobs} *: {wiki: HowToWriteaCondorqWrapper How to write a condor_q wrapper} *: {wiki: HowToRunOneCommandOnEachMachine How to run a command on each machine within a pool} *: {wiki: ExcelJobs How to automate Excel calculations in HTCondor} *: {wiki: RstatJobs Jobs for R: How to automate R jobs in HTCondor} *: {wiki: HowToRunMatlab How to run Matlab jobs} *: {wiki: AvoidingBlackHoles How to avoid sending jobs to Black Hole nodes} *: {wiki: HowToAutoRetryElsewhere How to automatically retry jobs on a different machine} *: {wiki: HowToAvoidJobRestarts How to avoid jobs being restarted} - Run once and only once; one; single *: {wiki: MapReduce How to run Hadoop MapReduce jobs with HTCondor} *: {wiki: UseVisibleDesktopVista How to get USE_VISIBLE_DESKTOP to work on Vista/Win7} *: {wiki: DagManUnderCondorc How to submit condor_dagman itself as an HTCondor-C job} *: {wiki: HeterogeneousSubmitBatch A batch script that can run on any platform enables heterogeneous submission of jobs} *: {wiki: HowToQueryTransferStats How to query transfer stats from the SCHEDD} *: {wiki: HowToEditArunningDagmanJob How to edit a running DAGMan job} *: {wiki: HowToAvoidEmailPerJob How to prevent HTCondor from sending you one email for every job you run.} *: {wiki: WhyDoMyJobsOnlyRunOnSubmitMachine Why are my jobs only running on the submit machine, and not on any remote machines?} *: {wiki: WhyIsMyJobPreempted Why is my job running on an execute machine, then preempted off of the machine?} *: {wiki: WhyLargeImageSize Why do my jobs have enormous ImageSize and refuse to run?} *: {wiki: HowToMaya How to render Maya projects} *: {wiki: WhyDoVmwareJobsWithSymLinksFail Why do VMWare VM Universe jobs whose image has a symbolic link fail?} *: {wiki: VaryArgumentsByProcId How to vary arguments to a job based on the Process/ProcID} *: {wiki: HowToRendezvousInParallelUniverse How two (or more) nodes of a parallel universe job can synchronize, pass a token, or agree on a port number} *: {wiki: HowToOrderJobExecution How to specify the order of execution of jobs} {subsection: Issues specific to HTCondor on MS Windows} *: {wiki: WhyDoesMyWindowProgramNotRun Why does my Windows program run fine outside HTCondor, but not when submitted to HTCondor?} *: {wiki: WhySoFewJobsOnWindow Why does my submit machine only run about 120 concurrent jobs?} *: {wiki: WhyDaemonsExitThousandThirtyEight Why do Windows daemons exit with 10038 (WSAENOTSOCK) error} *: {wiki: WhyWindowsFloatsFailParsing Why do floating point numbers on Windows fail to parse?} *: {wiki: WhyWindowsCredentialErrors Why do jobs submitted from windows have credential errors?} *: {wiki: WhyJobExitsOneTwentyEight Why does my job exit right away with error code 128?} *: {wiki: WhyWindowCanNotFindHost Why can't condor_off find my host and condor_status does not give complete hostnames?} *: {wiki: WhyWindowsStoreCredFail Why does condor_store_cred fail even with correct password} *: {wiki: WhyWindowsUnexpectedPerformanceCounter Why do daemons exit on Windows with "Unexpected Performance counter size"?} *: {wiki: WhyWindowsInstallerFail Why does the Windows installer fail with Error 2728. Could not access VBScript run time?} *: {wiki: WhyWindowsHibernationFails How come I cannot reliably set HTCondor to hibernate on windows machines?}