{section: How to ban a machine from executing jobs} Known to work with HTCondor version: 7.0 Suppose jobs are mysteriously failing on a particular machine and you suspect some kind of hardware problem (e.g. memory corruption). You can turn HTCondor off until the problem is solved, but just so no mistakes are made, it may also a good idea to block the machine from joining the HTCondor pool, in case HTCondor gets restarted prematurely. Here is what you should put in the HTCondor configuration visible to the collector: {code} # 2008-04-27: badmachine has a hardware problem, so I am temporarily blacklisting it HOSTDENY_WRITE = $(HOSTDENY_WRITE) badmachine.domain.name {endcode} Then issue {code}condor_reconfig -full{endcode} The existing machine ad will take some time to expire (~15 minutes), so restart the collector if you are impatient.