{section: How to insert custom ClassAd attributes into a job} Known to work with Condor version: 7.0 In the following examples, an attribute named _Group_ is added with the value "Physics". You can use whatever attribute name you want, but avoid attribute names that conflict with attributes used by Condor. See the manual or run {condor_q -long{endcode} on a job to see what attributes are there. {subsection: How to insert custom ClassAd attributes into a job via the submit file:} {code} +Group = "Physics" {endcode} {subsection: How to insert custom ClassAd attributes into a job via the configuration file:} {code} Group = "Physics" SUBMIT_EXPRS = $(SUBMIT_EXPRS) Group {endcode} {subsection: How to insert custom ClassAd attributes into a job via the environment:} Insert desired value into the user's environment (e.g. in a shell setup script or whatever). Example: {code} export _CONDOR_GROUP='"Physics"' {endcode} Then add it in the condor configuration file: {code} SUBMIT_EXPRS = $(SUBMIT_EXPRS) Group {endcode} {subsection: How to insert ClassAd attributes into a job from the machine ad:} Suppose the name of the attribute in the machine ad is X. Then put the following in the condor configuration (on the submit node). {code} MachineX = "$$([X])" SUBMIT_EXPRS = $(SUBMIT_EXPRS) MachineX {endcode} Actually, X can be any ClassAd expression. It is not just limited to an attribute name. The value that is inserted into the job ClassAd, however, is always stored as a string. In the job history file, the attribute of the most recent machine on which the job ran will be stored with the name {code}MATCH_EXP_MachineX{endcode}