For any of the =condor_status= queries below, you can pass =-direct = to get the result directly from a given schedd rather than from the collector. To find out how many jobs are waiting to transfer output {code} condor_status -schedd -af:ln Name TransferQueueMaxDownloading TransferQueueNumDownloading TransferQueueNumWaitingToDownload TransferQueueDownloadWaitTime {endcode} To find out how many jobs are waiting to transfer input {code} condor_status -schedd -af:ln Name TransferQueueMaxUploading TransferQueueNumUploading TransferQueueNumWaitingToUpload TransferQueueUploadWaitTime {endcode} or {code} condor_status -direct -schedd -long | sort | egrep "Name|Upload| Download" {endcode} To find out which jobs are uploading or waiting to upload. Note this query only works for jobs that have never run anywhere before. {code}condor_q -const 'JobStatus==2 && JobCurrentStartExecutingDate=?=undefined'{endcode} To find out which jobs are downloading. {code}condor_q -const 'JobStatus==6'{endcode} To find out what percentage of time your jobs are transferring data vs. executing. over the lifetime of the schedd {code}condor_status -schedd -af Name 'JobsAccumPreExecuteTime*100.0/JobsAccumExecuteTime' 'JobsAccumPostExecuteTime*100.0/JobsAccumExecuteTime'{endcode} over the last =RECENT_WINDOW_MAX= seconds {code} condor_status -schedd -af Name 'RecentJobsAccumPreExecuteTime*100.0/RecentJobsAccumExecuteTime' 'RecentJobsAccumPostExecuteTime*100.0/RecentJobsAccumExecuteTime'{endcode}