*In Progress NOT complete* {section: Introduction} This wiki page contains information about how to allow an administrator to schedule and manage services using Condor (IaaS). {section: Configuration Options} {subsection: 1.) Local Resources} {subsubsection: Virtual Machine } The most obvious solution to this problem now-a-days is to configure a virtual machine, or "appliance", whose sole purpose is to provide a service to a IT infrastructure. This virtual machine can then be accessed and spun on demand *:http://research.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.7/2_11Virtual_Machine.html *:http://research.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.7/3_3Configuration.html#SECTION004329000000000000000 {subsubsection: Chroot jobs} Another way to achieve this is through the use of chroot jail. By using your package management system you can install just the desired dependencies to a location which is idea for infrastructure. *:http://prefetch.net/articles/yumchrootlinux Once your chroot image is created you will need to configure {code} ########################################## # Could be shared via NFS, or transferred NAMED_CHROOT= httpd=/your/chroot/loc {endcode} Once your startd's have been {code} executable=your_scriptwrapper_to_kick_httpd_in_chroot.sh log=$(cluster).$(process).log.txt output=$(cluster).$(process).out.txt error=$(cluster).$(process).err.txt should_transfer_files = YES when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT RequestMemory = 256M +RequestedChroot="httpd" queue 1 {endcode} {subsection: 2.) Remote Resources} {subsubsection: Grid/EC2 Jobs} TODO: Update 7.7 series docs with ec2 refs. {section: References} *:http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/creating-loopback-s3-linux.html.html Other refs: *: http://lxc.sourceforge.net/