{subsubsection: Reviewers of Jira tickets shall} *: Only accept changes via pull request *: Verify that (GitHub thinks) the merge is clean. If it isn't, and you're confident you can resolve the conflicts, do so. Otherwise, send it back to the original developer. *: Verify that the jira ticket has a target version number and that it is correct *: Verify that the jira ticket is in review status *: review the pull request and approve (or disapprove) *:: Verify that the Jira ticket is mentioned at the beginning of the title. Edit it, if not *:: check for correctness of change *:: verify that the destination of the pull request matches the target version of the ticket *:: check for documentation *:: check for version history *:: check batlab dashboard for successful build and test for either the pull request or a workspace build by the developer that has the jira ticket as a comment. *:: check that commit message references the jira ticket (HTCONDOR-xxx) *: hit the merge button if the pull request is approved and it is not a security patch (security changes require 2 additional review) *: if the pull request is approved, take the ticket out of review state *: assign back to the developer ---- Adding the phrase "code review" to this page to make it a little easier to find.