This is a collection of various magic numbers in Condor- and Grid-related software. These are mostly extracted from the source files for the software in question. Originally written by Alan De Smet. Expanded by Jaime Frey. {section: Condor} {subsection: Universe} {quote:JobUniverse} in job {quote:ClassAds} |0|Min|A placeholder, not a universe| |1|Standard|Single process relinked jobs| |2|Pipe|A placeholder, no longer used| |3|Linda|A placeholder, no longer used| |4|PVM|Parallel Virtual Machine apps| |5|Vanilla|Single process non-relinked jobs| |6|PVMD|PVM daemon process| |7|Scheduler|A job run under the schedd| |8|MPI|Message Passing Interface jobs| |9|Grid / Globus|Jobs managed by condor_gridmanager (V6.6: always Globus, V6.7: grid_type=gt2, gt3, gt4, condor, oracle, nordugrid...)| |10|Java|Jobs for the Java Virtual Machine| |11|Parallel|Generalized parallel jobs| |12|Local|A job run under the schedd using a starter (advanced form of Scheduler)| |13|Max|A placeholder, not a universe| {subsection: Job Status} {quote:JobStatus} in job {quote:ClassAds} |0|Unexpanded|U| |1|Idle|I| |2|Running|R| |3|Removed|X| |4|Completed|C| |5|Held|H| |6|Submission_err|E| {subsection: Notification} {quote:JobNotification} in job {quote:ClassAds} |0|Never| |1|Always| |2|Complete| |3|Error| {subsection: Shadow exit status} (Source: h/exit.h) |*Value*|*Name*|*Description*| |4|JOB_EXCEPTION|The job exited with an exception| |44|DPRINTF_ERROR|There is a fatal error with dprintf()| |100|JOB_EXITED|The job exited (not killed)| |101|JOB_CKPTED|The job was checkpointed| |102|JOB_KILLED|The job was killed| |103|JOB_COREDUMPED|The job was killed and a core file produced| |105|JOB_NO_MEM|Not enough memory to start the shadow| |106|JOB_SHADOW_USAGE|incorrect arguments to condor_shadow| |107|JOB_NOT_CKPTED|The job was kicked off without a checkpoint| |107|JOB_SHOULD_REQUEUE|(!) We define this to the same number, since we want the same behavior. However, "JOB_NOT_CKPTED" doesn't mean much if we're not a standard universe job. The effect of this exit code is that we want the job to be put back in the job queue and run again.| |108|JOB_NOT_STARTED|Can't connect to startd or request refused| |109|JOB_BAD_STATUS|Job status != RUNNING on startup| |110|JOB_EXEC_FAILED|Exec failed for some reason other than ENOMEM| |111|JOB_NO_CKPT_FILE|There is no checkpoint file (lost)| |112|JOB_SHOULD_HOLD|The job should be put on hold| |113|JOB_SHOULD_REMOVE|The job should be removed| {subsection: Job Hold Reason Codes} (Source: src/condor_c++_util/condor_holdcodes.h) |*Value* |*Reason* |*{quote:SubCode} Contents*| |0 |Unspecified |N/A| |1 |{quote:UserRequest} |N/A| |2 |{quote:GlobusGramError} |GRAM error code| |3 |{quote:JobPolicy} |N/A| |4 |{quote:CorruptedCredential} |N/A| |5 |{quote:JobPolicyUndefined} |N/A| |6 |{quote:FailedToCreateProcess} |Unix errno| |7 |{quote:UnableToOpenOutput} |Unix errno| |8 |{quote:UnableToOpenInput} |Unix errno| |9 |{quote:UnableToOpenOutputStream} |Unix errno| |10 |{quote:UnableToOpenInputStream} |Unix errno| |11 |{quote:InvalidTransferAck} |N/A| |12 |{quote:DownloadFileError} |Unix errno| |13 |{quote:UploadFileError} |Unix errno| |14 |{quote:IwdError} |Unix errno| |15 |{quote:SubmittedOnHold} |N/A| |16 |{quote:SpoolingInput} |N/A| {subsection: Log event codes} |Submit |0| |Execute |1| |Executable error |2| |Checkpointed |3| |Job evicted |4| |Job terminated |5| |Image size |6| |Shadow exception |7| |Generic |8| |Job aborted |9| |Job suspended |10| |Job unsuspended |11| |Job held |12| |Job released |13| |Node execute |14| |Node terminated |15| |Post script terminated |16| |Globus submit |17| |Globus submit failed |18| |Globus resource up |19| |Globus resource down |20| |Remote error |21| |Job disconnected |22| |Job reconnected |23| |Job reconnect failed |24| |Grid resource up |25| |Grid resource down |26| |Grid submit |27| {subseciton: Starters and Shadows} |*Shadow* |*Starter* |*Universe*| |jim |jim |PVM| |V6 |V5 |Standard| |V6.1 |V6.1 |Everything else| {subsection: Queue-Management Commands} |*Number* |*Action*| |10001 |{quote:InitializeConnection}| |10002 |{quote:NewCluster}| |10003 |{quote:NewProc}| |10004 |{quote:DestroyCluster}| |10005 |{quote:DestroyProc}| |10006 |{quote:SetAttribute}| |10007 |{quote:CloseConnection}| |10008 |{quote:GetAttributeFloat}| |10009 |{quote:GetAttributeInt}| |10010 |{quote:GetAttributeString}| |10011 |{quote:GetAttributeExpr}| |10012 |{quote:DeleteAttribute}| |10013 |{quote:GetNextJob}| |10014 |{quote:FirstAttribute}| |10015 |{quote:NextAttribute}| |10016 |{quote:DestroyClusterByConstraint}| |10017 |{quote:SendSpoolFile}| |10018 |{quote:GetJobAd}| |10019 |{quote:GetJobByConstraint}| |10020 |{quote:GetNextJobByConstraint}| |10021 |{quote:SetAttributeByConstraint}| |10022 |{quote:InitializeReadOnlyConnection}| |10023 |{quote:BeginTransaction}| |10024 |{quote:AbortTransaction}| |10025 |{quote:SetTimerAttribute}| {subsection: ClassAd Log Commands} |*Number* |*Action*| |101 |{quote:NewClassAd}| |102 |{quote:DestroyClassAd}| |103 |{quote:SetAttribute}| |104 |{quote:DeleteAttribute}| |105 |{quote:BeginTransaction}| |106 |{quote:EndTransaction}| {subsection: DaemonCore Commands and Signals} From condor_includes/condor_commands.h |*Name* |*Number*| |DC_RAISESIGNAL |60000| |DC_PROCESSEXIT |60001| |DC_CONFIG_PERSIST |60002| |DC_CONFIG_RUNTIME |60003| |DC_RECONFIG |60004| |DC_OFF_GRACEFUL |60005| |DC_OFF_FAST |60006| |DC_CONFIG_VAL |60007| |DC_CHILDALIVE |60008| |DC_SERVICEWAITPIDS |60009| |DC_AUTHENTICATE |60010| |DC_NOP |60011| |DC_RECONFIG_FULL |60012| |DC_FETCH_LOG |60013| |DC_INVALIDATE_KEY |60014| |DC_OFF_PEACEFUL |60015| |DC_SET_PEACEFUL_SHUTDOWN |60016| |DC_TIME_OFFSET |60017| {subsection: CEDAR Authentication Methods} From condor_includes/condor_auth.h and condor_io/condor_secman.C |*Name* |*Number*| |CLAIMTOBE |2| |FS |4| |FS_REMOTE |8| |NTSSPI |16| |GSI |32| |KERBEROS |64| |ANONYMOUS |128| |SSL |256| |PASSWORD |512| {section: Globus} TODO {section: Misc} TODO