*Contributions*, either *code* patches or *documentation*, are welcomed from the community. *First*, make sure you have a signed {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/licenses/CLA-PUBLIC.pdf Contributor License Agreement (CLA)} on file with UW-Madison by sending it to cppa[at]cs.wisc.edu. When your CLA is received, a gittrac account will be created for you, if you don't already have one. For *documentation* contributions, 1: Contact an {link: userlist administrator} to get a wiki account with edit privileges. You can find them on the {link: https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/listinfo/condor-devel condor-devel mailing list} mailing list. For *code* contributions, 1: {wiki: DownloadingSource Grab the source code} 1: Open a {link: tktnew ticket} for discussing your contribution (either enhancement or bug fix). If your contribution is a relatively small patch, you could simply attach a patch file directly to the ticket page (at the top of the ticket page, select =Attach=). 1: Send an email to the {link: https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/listinfo/condor-devel condor-devel mailing list} announcing your ticket to find a committer to help you 1: Make sure: you work with a committer, your code compiles on all platforms, your code meets guidelines, you include test a procedure 1: Assign your ticket to the committer and change its status to review *Note:* If your change is an enhancement (new feature) or large bug fix, it is appreciated if you openly discuss design with committers via the condor-devel mailing list. Your code contributions will be much more happily received if you observe the following guidelines: *: Submit your contribution as a patch to most recent version of the Condor source code. *: State which version of the Condor source your patch is relative to. *: When generating your patch, use one of the diff formats that provides context (i.e. =diff -c= or =diff -u=). *: When modifying existing source files, try to match the formatting style of the surrounding code.