{subsection: Git Repository } /u/k/o/kooburat/public/project/neos.git {subsubsection: NOES Server [Path: NEOS] } *: makeDist.py *:: [optional] generate source tar file from cvs, need to change to git *::: Only one user used this feature *: NeosXML.py, XMLValidator.py *:: contains hard code path to neos website ???? {subsubsection: NOES Solvers [Path: SolverTools] } *: What need to be done after register a solver *:: register.py will automatically generate new html pages. *:: matching categories must be found in the database (insert by hand) {subsubsection: NOES Portal [Path: WebTemplate] } *: Installation.html *:: static link to Neos source tar files - rethink how we going to redistribute the sources *:: may remove this feature *: faq.html *:: static link to many documentation - obtains these document and put them in to neos FTP *: solverCreator.cgi,registerSovler.cgi *:: Write example XML file to single file, not thread safe *:: [FIXED] Use NeosSolver to validate XML file instead of Java *: admin/ *:: [optional] use .htaccess to lock, may need to think about new mechanism *:: admin pages are no longer used {subsubsection: Bugs/Issues } *: Cannot register solver *:: [FIXED] NeosServer cannot bind port 3332, have to use higher port *: email interface? *:: There is a python script that pull email. Need to hook this script to HTCondor cron or other mechanism *: Categories *:: Must be inserted by hand