{section: Executive summary} The public git repositories served up on {link: http://condor-git.cs.wisc.edu gitweb} are maintained by a simple script, called =git-mirror.rb=. This script pulls all heads matching certain patterns from the internal repository. By default, branches fitting the following criteria will be mirrored: 1: the master branch (=master=), 1: standard nightly build tags, of the form =YYYY-M[M]-D[D][_X*]=, 1: branches whose names end with =-publicbranch=, 1: nightly build tags that end with =-publicbranch= and a build date, 1: release tags, and 1: explicitly whitelisted branches (currently =V7_5-dcloud-branch= and =V7_1-procd_osg-branch=) {section: Frequently-asked questions} *Where is all of this stuff?* See =pinguino:/scratch.2/git= for the scripts and the gitweb installation. *How often does this thing run?* The old shell-script version ran once every twenty minutes as a cron job. The new Ruby version pulls all matching branches, sleeps for thirty seconds, and then runs itself again; it uses cron essentially as a watchdog. (That is, at most one mirror job targeting a given destination repository will run at a time.) *When should I expect to see my changes to a mirrored branch reflected in the public repository?* A pull shouldn't take more than five minutes, so the worst-case scenario for the new mirror script is probably under ten minutes. (The real worst-case scenario involves waiting for the cron job to restart =git-mirror.rb=, but your average wait time in that case should still be under fifteen minutes.) *How can I tell if my (sensitive) branch will be mirrored to the public repository?* You can run =git-mirror.rb= yourself on your personal repo with the =--dry-run= option, and it will show you the list of branches and tags it would have pushed, given the default options. *How can I tell if my (non-sensitive) branch will be mirrored to the public repository?* Push it to the main internal repo and wait for at most fifteen minutes. *How can I recognize an additional set of branch or tag names to be mirrored to the public repository?* The first question to ask yourself is "do I really need to do this?" Unless you're dealing with something inflexible that expects a certain kind of branch or tag name, it's better to use a name that already fits one of the existing patterns. However, it's easy to make the script recognize additional patterns: simply specify the additional pattern as a command-line argument to =git-mirror.rb= in the crontab entry: use =-p REGEX= to specify that head names matching =REGEX= should be pushed or =-w NAME= to add =NAME= to the name whitelist. *What else can I do with this script?* Glad you asked! Run =git-mirror.rb --help= for more details.