{section: Active source code release branches, or where should my code go?} Current as of February 14, 2011. *: Code that implements new features, aka code targeted for v7.7.x, should go into branch *master*. *: Urgent bug fixes to new features might go into *V7_5_6-branch*, but only with permission from the wrangler. They should then be merged into V7_6-branch and from there to master. *: Bug fixes to new features should go into *V7_6-branch*. Very Important new featurse _might_ go into this branch, but run it by Flightworthy first. Commits should then be merged into master. *: Bug fixes should go into branch *V7_4-branch* (which _may_ eventually be 7.4.5), and should then be merged into V7_6-branch, and from there into master. *: Recently abandoned branches that should not receive new code: V7_4_2-branch, V7_2-branch, V7_3-branch, V7_3_2-branch. {section: Active doc branches, or where should my documentation go?} Current as of Feb 15, 2011. *: The *master* branch is for 7.7 documentation. This implies 7.7.0. *: The *V7_6-branch* is for all documentation specific to 7.6.0. *: The *V7_5_6-branch* is for 7.5.6 and all 7.5.x documentation. *: The *V7_4-branch* is for all documentation in the 7.4.x series. Please tell Karen if you plan to commit changes to this branch, as they'll never get properly merged forward if you don't tell Karen. When in doubt, ask Karen. {section: List of all source code branches} Below is a table of all branches in our repository and when/who last did a commit to them. {wiki: GitBranchDescriptions Documentation} about what each branch is about is also available. {report: 13}