{section: Active source code release branches, or where should my code go?} Current as of June 28th, 2012. *: Code that implements new features or non-urgent bug fixes, aka code targeted for v7.9.x, should go into branch *master*. *: Urgent bug fixes go into *V7_9_2-branch*, but only with permission of the wrangler. They should then be merged into *master*. *: Serious bug fixes to stable series features should go into *V7_8-branch*. _ALL COMMITS TO A STABLE BRANCH {wiki: PerformingCodeReviews MUST BE CODE REVIEWED}_ - the ticket should show who did the code review. Commits should then be merged into *V7_9_2-branch* with permission of the wranger, and/or *master*, as above. *: {strike}Very Very Urgent bug fixes to old features might go into *V7_8_7-branch*, but only with permission from the wrangler, and merge from there into *V7_8-branch*, following rules above.{endstrike} {section: List of all source code branches} Below is a table of all branches in our repository and when/who last did a commit to them. {wiki: GitBranchDescriptions Documentation} about what each branch is about is also available. {report: 13}