{section: Requirements} *: Cygwin + Cygwin Perl module *: Active-State Perl {section: Testing} From a Cygwin command-line type: export NMI_PLATFORM=x86_winnt_5.1 export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/condor/bin cd /cygdrive/c mkdir nmi_tests pushd /cygdrive/c/workspace/source/src cp -r condor_{examples,scripts,tests} /cygdrive/c/nmi_tests popd cd nmi_tests/condor_tests cp ../condor_scripts/*.pm ../condor_scripts/batch_test.pl . Then, to run all the tests (optionally using test parallelization feature [-e]): ./batch_test.pl -d . -b -e 10 Or, to run a single test: ./batch_test.pl -d . -b -t cmd_q_shows-name Where =cmd_q_shows-name= can be any of the tests in the test suite. As a final note, if you are planning on running the tests several times, you will need to delete the =TestingPersonalCondor= directory between test runs: rm -rf TestingPersonalCondor Finally, if you just want a personal Condor up and running quickly, use: ./batch_test.pl -p That's about as simple as it gets; although it is possible to save exporting the =NMI_PLATFORM= and =PATH= each time. This can be accomplished by adding them to the environment in a persistent manner; either by cygwin startup scripts or changing the Windows environment. The latter will require a new instance of the cygwin terminal for the variables to be present.