***Clarified / Updated 7/30/15 bt***{section: Requirements} *: Install Active-State Perl *: Install HTCondor("condor_install -make-personal") in CS to have networking work the best, my condor_config looks like this: {code} use ROLE : CentralManager Execute Submit CONDOR_HOST = bt-laptop.cs.wisc.edu #use ROLE : Personal #CONDOR_HOST = COLLECTOR_HOST = $(CONDOR_HOST):0 # use host based security, modified to allow the other crane to join the pool. use SECURITY : HOST_BASED if 1 MY_CS_SUBNET = 128.105.136 BT_IP = $(MY_CS_SUBNET).32 ALLOW_READ = $(CONDOR_HOST) $(BT_IP)/8 $(IP_ADDRESS) ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR = $(ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR) $(BT_IP) ALLOW_WRITE = $(ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR) endif {endcode} On my laptop in CS my condor_config.local looks like this: {code} FULL_HOSTNAME = bt-laptop.cs.wisc.edu MASTER_NEW_BINARY_RESTART = PEACEFUL RunBenchmarks = 0 NUM_CPUS = 12 MASTER_DEBUG = D_CAT D_FULLDEBUG {endcode} {section: Preparing for testing} The easiest way to get an ititial Windows HTCondor test environment is to install the HTCondor msi. Take all the defaults and when you get to where jobs run, allow them to run unimpeeded on the current system. (After you have a test machine set up, you can replace the binaries with ones from the zip file release for HTCondor) {section: Testing needs} On my laptop I have the MSI installed to c:\condor with my test location assembled in c:\condor_tests and condor_examples in c:\condor_examples. There are four things needed for testing on windows that need to be assembled 1: built tests 1: all sources for src/condor_tests and src/condor_examples 1: Condor.PM, CondorUtils.pm, CondorTest.pm, CondorPersonal.pm and batch_tests.pl from src/condor_scripts 1: placement choices: The directory condor_examples needs to be in same folder as condor_tests. 1: If the condor perl modules are not in a well known system location place them in your selected test location. {code} Add to the system PATH environment variable the location of the HTCondor binaries {endcode} {section: Set Up Option 1} 1: Secure the HTCondor source tar ball and extract it if you do not have a git clone 1: Bring down to a testing location of your choice as mentioned above condor_examples condor_scripts condor_tests 1: Copy *.pm and batch_test.pl from condor_scripts to your condor testing location 1: Copy all of the built tests contents to your selected condor testing location 1: Place condor_examples in the same folder as your selected testing location {endcode} {section: Testing 2} 1: Another way to do this is to first have a fully working HTCondor on a PC from the msi. 1: Have cygwin and condor in your windows PATH envrionment variable. Mine has c:\bin\;C:\condor\bin\ added 1: Download a valid windows build result tar ball which contains release rpm, test programs compiled for windows and all needed perl modules and scripts. 1: Stop HTCondor. First do condor_off -master in a cygwin window and then using task manager kill the keyboard daemon. 1: Take the release zip file and extract it on top of your HTCondor install after making sure all of HTCondor is completely stopped 1: Pick a location for testing( I have /condor /condor_tests and /condor_examples. 1: Place condor_tests from build result tar to desired location 1: Place condor_examples next to it 1: If you want to stress test, edit condor_config.local in /condor to have NUM_CPUS = somegreaternumberthencores 1: Restart your system to get HTCondor running with new binaries. 1: open a cygwin windows and test basic commands like codnor_q and condor_status. 1. Open a cygwin shell and go to condor_tests 1: Enter "./batch_tests.pl -b -d . 1: wait {section: Results} {code} 249 successful, 34 failed {endcode} Additionally the file failed_tests will contain the list of tests which had a non-zero return code meaning they failed. The file successful_tests will list the passing tests which had a return value of zero Or, to run a single test: ./batch_test.pl -d . -b -t cmd_q_shows-name Where =cmd_q_shows-name= can be any of the tests in the test suite. If you wish to stress test: ./batch_test.pl -b -d . -e 6 { run 6 tests at a time }