Look here for BT's instructions: {wiki: BtsTestingCondorOnWindows BT's Testing Condor On Windows } {section: Requirements} *: Install Active-State Perl *: Make a git clone of the HTCondor repo OR unpack the source tarball *: Build HTCondor for Windows: {wiki: BuildingHtcondorOnWindows Instructions } {section: Preparing for testing} The easiest way to get an ititial Windows HTCondor test environment is to build HTCondor from git. It is possible to download the HTCondor MSI or tarball and test that, but you will need to also have the tests and the msconfig tools that you get from a git clone or from the source tarball. {section: Testing needs} There are five things needed for testing on windows that need to be assembled 1: built HTCondor release_dir or equivalent (unpack the .ZIP release) 1: all sources for src/condor_tests including subdirectories 1: Condor.PM, CondorUtils.pm, CondorTest.pm, CondorPersonal.pm and batch_tests.pl from src/condor_scripts 1: built tests 1: working personal HTCondor config {section: Get tests from the HTCondor sources} You must copy some files from the condor sources into into the directory you wish to test in. {term} set SRCDIR=\scratch\CONDOR_SRC set testdir=\scratch\test001 mkdir %testdir% xcopy /Q /Y "%SRCDIR%\src\condor_tests\*" "%testdir%\condor_tests\" xcopy /Q /Y "%SRCDIR%\src\condor_tests\Check\*" "%testdir%\condor_tests\Check\" xcopy /Q /Y "%SRCDIR%\src\condor_scripts\*.pm" "%testdir%\condor_tests\" xcopy /Q /Y "%SRCDIR%\src\condor_scripts\*.pl" "%testdir%\condor_tests\" {endterm} {section: Install HTCondor in the test dir and create a configuration } CD to the directory where HTCondor is built (where your condor.sln file is), build the tests, and install HTCondor into the testing directory. Install HTCondor into the testing dir {term} cd \scratch\build set testdir=\scratch\test001 cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%testdir% -P cmake_install.cmake {endterm} Build the tests and copy them into the testing dir {term} devenv condor.sln /Build Debug /Project BLD_TESTS xcopy /Q /Y src\condor_tests\list_* "%testdir%\condor_tests\" xcopy /Q /Y src\condor_tests\Debug\*.exe "%testdir%\condor_tests\" xcopy /Q /Y src\condor_tests\Debug\*.pdb "%testdir%\condor_tests\" {endterm} Create a HTCondor configuration that all of the tests will derive from and set CONDOR_CONFIG to point to it. {term} pushd "%testdir%" cscript "%SRCDIR%\msconfig\init_config.wff" ETC=etc PERSONAL=Y RUNJOBS=A mkdir log mkdir spool mkdir execute popd {endterm} Set PATH and CONDOR_CONFIG environment variables {term} set CONDOR_CONFIG=%testdir%\condor_config set PATH=%testdir%\bin;%PATH% {endterm} Start HTCondor and verify that it is running {term} start %testdir%\bin\condor_master -f -t tail -f %testdir%\log\MasterLog {endterm} You should now be able to run single tests in the testing location you chose for test XXX.run: {code} cd %testdir%\condor_tests batch_test.pl -d . -t XXX.run {endcode} {section: Results}