This page displays tickets that have missing or malformed meta-data, and should be cleaned up by either the person assigned to the ticket, or the ticket creator if the ticket has not yet been assigned. ---------------- These are bad, they are bugs that are resolved but have no target version. This means no one can figure out what version of Condor the code went into without diving into the repository and doing some gymnastics. {report: 51} ------------ These are almost as bad, they are bugs that someone fixed but we don't know who it was without gymnastics. {report: 50} ---------------- These are action items that have associated commits, which means they were either fixing bugs (defect) or adding a feature (enhancement), {report: 60} ---------------- There are a handful of bugs that aren't following the v0X0Y0Z version field format. This is just sloppy, and results in misapplied stats. {report: 34}