{section: This page has useful classad tranform rules.} use by saving each as a file, and passing that file to condor_transform_ads like this: {term} condor_transform_ads -rules to_docker.xfm -in vanilla_jobs.ads -out docker_jobs.ads {endterm} {subsubsection: Convert job to docker job} Invoke with Image= to override default docker image {snip: to_docker.xfm} Name VanillaToDocker Requirements Universe == 5 && ! WantDocker # invoker can pass image= on command line to override... If ! defined image image = SL6 Endif # Convert to docker, rewrite executable to be relative to the sandbox # Set WantDocker = true Set DockerImage = "$F(image)" Set Cmd = "./$Fnx(MY.Cmd)" Rename Requirements VanillaRequirements Set Requirements = Target.HasDocker {endsnip} {subsubsection: Set accounting group} Set accounting group based on username and preferred group. Assumes that the "groups" user map has been loaded. {snip: set_accounting_group.xfm} Name SetAccountingGroup # convert AccountingGroup into a preferred group, then map # the user into an Accounting group honoring their preference Rename AccountingGroup PreferredGroup Default PreferredGroup undefined EvalSet AccountingGroup mapUser("groups", Owner, PreferredGroup) {endsnip} {subsubsection: Simulate batlab execute nodes} Converts a set of STARTD ads from a single machine, into multiple startd ads, each with a different architecture and operating system. Invoke with *: DOMAIN=x.y.z set the default domain for generated machine names *: SharedFileSystem=true simulate a shared file system. {snip: to_multi_platform.xfm} # Transform a each STARTD ad into multiple ads, each with a differnt OS and Arch NAME Simulate multiple STARTD platforms REQUIREMENTS MyType == "Machine" # extract slotname from the ad name and manufacture a machine index EVALMACRO SLOT = splitslotname(Name)[0] INDEX = $(ROW)+1 # rewrite the machine name and domain # SET UidDomain = "$(DOMAIN:cs.wisc.edu)" SET Machine = "exec$INT(INDEX,%02d).$(MY.UidDomain)" if defined SLOT SET Name = "$(SLOT)@$(My.Machine)" else COPY Machine Name endif COPY Machine PrivateNetworkName if $(SharedFileSystem) COPY UidDomain FileSystemDomain else COPY Machine FileSystemDomain endif SET Arch = "$(ARCH)" SET OpSys = "$(OS)" SET OpSysAndVer = "$(OSAndVer)" SET OpSysVer = "$(OSVer)" SET OpSysName = "$(OSName)" SET OpSysMajorVer = "$(OSMajor)" SET OpSysShortName = "$(OSShort)" SET OpSysLegacy = "$(OSLegacy)" TRANSFORM Arch,OS,OSAndVer,OSVer,OSName,OSMajor,OSShort,OSLegacy from ( X86_64 LINUX Debian7 700 Debian 7 Debian LINUX X86_64 LINUX Debian8 800 Debian 8 Debian LINUX X86_64 LINUX SL6 602 SL 6 SL LINUX X86_64 LINUX SL7 702 SL 7 SL LINUX X86_64 LINUX RedHat6 607 RedHat 6 RedHat LINUX X86_64 LINUX RedHat6 607 RedHat 6 RedHat LINUX INTEL LINUX RedHat6 607 RedHat 6 RedHat LINUX X86_64 LINUX RedHat7 702 RedHat 7 RedHat LINUX X86_64 WINDOWS WINDOWS601 601 Windows7 601 Win7 WINNT61 X86_64 WINDOWS WINDOWS602 602 Windows8 602 Win8 WINNT62 X86_64 WINDOWS WINDOWS1000 1000 Windows10 1000 Win10 WINNT100 X86_64 OSX MacOSX7 705 Lion 7 MacOSX OSX X86_64 OSX MacOSX8 805 MountainLion 8 MacOSX OSX X86_64 OSX MacOSX10 1001 ElCapitan 10 MacOSX OSX X86_64 OSX MacOSX10 1005 ElCapitan 10 MacOSX OSX X86_64 LINUX Ubuntu12 1204 Ubuntu 12 Ubuntu LINUX X86_64 LINUX Ubuntu14 1404 Ubuntu 14 Ubuntu LINUX X86_64 LINUX Fedora23 2300 Fedora 23 Fedora LINUX X86_64 LINUX Fedora24 2200 Fedora 22 Fedora LINUX X86_64 FREEBSD FreeBSD10 1003 FreeBSD 10 FreeBSD FREEBSD ) {endsnip} {subsubsection: Generate simulated dynamic slots from a partitionable slot} Converts a partitionable STARTD ads from a single machine, into a partitionable slot ad and multiple dynamic slot ads. It does *NOT* properly adjust the partitionable slot ad to account for resources consumed by the dynamic slot ads. Invoke with *: DOMAIN=x.y.z set the default domain for generated machine names *: User=bob set the name of the simulated user for the dynamic slots *: NumDynSlots=N control the number of dynamic slots *: ReqMem=NN set the memory assigned to the dynamic slots {snip: to_dyn_slots.xfm} # Simulate one or more active dynamic slots from an idle partitionable one # The original partitionable slot is passed through untransfomed followed # by N partitionable slots by the TRANSFORM N+1 statement # # this trick currently results in infinite loop... if they are self-references Client = $(Client:submit.chtc.wisc.edu) User = $(User:bob) ReqMem = $(ReqMem:4000) NumDynSlots = $(NumDynSlots:1) #IpAddr = split(MyAddress,"&")[0] EVALMACRO AddrIp = $(My.AddressV1)[0].a EVALMACRO AddrPort = $(My.AddressV1)[0].port EVALMACRO Slot = splitslotname(Name)[0] #CurrentTime = time() #CurrentTime = $EVAL(CurrentTime) EVALMACRO CurrentTime time() SET MyCurrentTime = $(CurrentTime) DELETE /^Updates.+/ if defined UPDATE SET UpdateSequenceNumber $(Update) endif if defined DOMAIN EVALMACRO Host = split("$(My.Machine)",".")[0] SET Machine "$(Host).$F(DOMAIN)" SET Name "$(Slot)@$(Host).$F(DOMAIN)" endif SET ClassAdLifetime 600 if $(Step) # Convert partitionable slot to dynamic slot # SET NAME "$(Slot)_$(Step)@$(My.Machine)" DELETE PartitionableSlot DELETE NumDynamicSlots DELETE /^Child.+/ SET ParentSlotId $(My.SlotId) SET DynamicSlot true SET SlotType "Dynamic" SET SlotTypeId -1 SET Activity "Busy" SET State "Claimed" SET PublicClaimId "<$(AddrIp):$(AddrPort)>#$(CurrentTime)#$RANDOM_INTEGER(10000,20000,1)#..." # set info about the executing job and claim # SET JobId "$RANDOM_INTEGER(11100,22200,1).0" SET JobUniverse 5 EVALSET JobStart time() - 60*16 SET NumPids 2 SET GlobalJobId "$(Client)#$(MY.JobId)#$(CurrentTime)" SET ImageSize $RANDOM_INTEGER(100000,1000000,128) SET ExecutableSize 3 EVALSET ResidentSetSize ImageSize + $RANDOM_INTEGER(1000,10000,128) COPY JobStart EnteredCurrentState COPY JobStart EnteredCurrentActivity EVALSET TotalClaimRunTime time() - EnteredCurrentState COPY TotalClaimRunTime TotalJobRunTime COPY TotalClaimRunTime TotalTimeClaimedBusy SET TotalTimeClaimedIdle 2 DELETE TotalTimeDrainedRetiring DELETE TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle DELETE TotalTimeUnclaimedBenchmarking EVALSET RetirementTimeRemaining 60*60*24*3 - TotalClaimRunTime # set ownership # SET NiceUser false SET RemoteOwner "$(User)@chtc.wisc.edu" COPY RemoteOwner RemoteUser SET RemoteNegotiatingGroup "" SET RemoteAutoregroup false SET ClientMachine "$(Client)" # set resource usage # SET Cpus 1 COPY Cpus TotalSlotCpus SET RequestMemory $(ReqMem) EVALSET Memory quantize($(ReqMem),256) COPY Memory TotalSlotMemory SET MemoryUsage ((ResidentSetSize + 1023)/1024) EVALSET Disk Disk/40.0 COPY Disk TotalSlotDisk else # Pass original Partitionable Slot through unmolested at step 0 # Should maybe subtract resource usage from it? endif TRANSFORM 1+$(NumDynSlots:1) {endsnip}