{section: Welcome to the Condor Flightworthy Development Wiki} This wiki contains *public* information related to the building and maintenance of the Condor source base. _This information may eventually be visible to the general public._
*People who maintain and author Condor*: *: DeveloperHomePages *Really Important Stuff*: *: {link: http://nmi-s006.cs.wisc.edu/results/Run-condor.php Nightly build results} ({link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/testsuite/buildandtestblog.html Built-Test Blog}) *: {wiki: DeveloperReleasePlan Plans for the next releases} *: {link: http://bonsai.cs.wisc.edu/gitweb/gitweb.cgi GitWeb} (and deprecated {link: http://bonsai.cs.wisc.edu/bonsai/cvsqueryform.cgi Bonsai}) *: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/download_stats/downloads.html Download Analysis} *: {link: http://tonic.cs.wisc.edu:5467 Coverity-found bugs} *Building and Testing Condor*: *: {wiki: BuildingCondorOnUnix Building Condor on Unix} _(NEEDS UPDATING)_ *: {wiki: BuildingCondorOnWindows Building Condor on Windows} *: {wiki: TestingCondorOnWindows Testing Condor on Windows} *: {wiki: NmiBuildBranch How to submit a branch to build/test on NMI} *Information for New Members*: *: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/overview/ Non-technical overview} *: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/overview.html Technical overview} *: {wiki: PortingCondorInfo Porting Condor Info} *: {wiki: CreatingPersonalCondor Creating a Personal Condor} *: {wiki: EmacsSettingsForCondorCodingStyle Emacs Settings For Condor Coding Style} *Development proposals*: *: {wiki: ProposalSharedExecutablesIckptsInTheSpool Shared executables (ickpts) in the SPOOL} *: {wiki: StudentProjects Project ideas for student hourlies} *: {wiki: ClassAdConversion Conversion to New ClassAds } *Wisdom* *: {wiki: GitWisdom Git Wisdom} *: {wiki: MemoryProfiling Profiling Memory Usage} *: {wiki: ExecutionProfiling Profiling Code Execution} *: SyscallMode (Feb. 1999) *: JavaUniverse (Dec. 2001) *: {wiki: CreatingNewDaemons Creating New a Daemon} (Feb. 2002) *: {wiki: MpiWisdom MPI Wisdom} (July 2002) *: {wiki: CodingGuidelinesAndRulesForImake Coding Guidlines/Rules when using Imake in the Condor build system} (May 2004) *: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/ports.html Ports and Where They Work} *: details about {wiki: DetailsAboutCondorStats condor_stats} (Jan 2004) *: {wiki: AddingNewComponentToBuildTree Adding a new component to build tree} (Jan 2004) *: {wiki: AddingNewExternalPackage Adding a new external package} *: {wiki: CondorErrorDataStructure CondorError data structure} (Jan 2006) *: {wiki: AutoclustingAndSignificantAttributes Autoclustering and SIGNIFICANT_ATTRIBUTES} (Jan 2006) *: {wiki: PerformingCodeReviews Performing Code Reviews} *: {wiki: StorkWisdom Stork } (June 2006) *: {wiki: DebuggingSmashedStacks Debugging Smashed Stacks} (Aug 2006) *: {wiki: WindowsDebugging Windows Debugging} *Manuals and Other Documentation* *: {wiki: ManualEntryGuidelines Manual Entry Guidelines} *: {wiki: ManualIndexEntries Manual Index Entries How To} *Condor Testsuite Info* *: {wiki: RunningTheTestSuite Running the test suite } *Links related to CVSTrac and Interacting with it*: *: ReportWritingTips *: FrequentlyAskedQuestions *: CvstracDocumentation *: WikiDocumentation *: CreatingNewWiki