{section: Current and past wranglers} Entries marked with _?_ indicates the name is the person who sent the announcement to condor-world, which may not have been the actual wrangler. Note that released versions may jump around in wrangler order: sometimes people swapped positions because of higher priorities, and sometimes wranglers were assigned as needed, but the releases were actually made in reverse order. If multiple people are listed, they are in the order they took over wrangling duty; the last name did the final release. |*Released*|*Wrangler* |*7.2*|*7.3*|*7.4*|*7.5*|*7.6*| |2009-02-20|gquinn _?_ |7.2.1| | | | | |2009-02-26|danb _?_ | |7.3.0| | | | |2009-04-14|burnett _?_|7.2.2| | | | | |2009-05-12|jfrey _?_ |7.2.3| | | | | |2009-05-20|gthain _?_ | |7.3.1| | | | |2009-06-25|danb _?_ |7.2.4| | | | | |2009-09-16|psilord _?_| |7.3.2| | | | |2009-11-10|adesmet | | |7.4.0| | | |2009-12-22|zmiller | | |7.4.1| | | |2009-12-22|cweiss |7.2.5| | | | | |2010-01-07|danb | | | |7.5.0| | |2010-03-03|jfrey | | | |7.5.1| | |2010-04-06|zmiller | | |7.4.2| | | |2010-04-26|psilord | | | |7.5.2| | |2010-08-16|tannenba{linebreak}adesmet{linebreak}? | | |7.4.3| | | |2010-07-29|gthain{linebreak}cweiss | | | |7.5.3| | |2010-10-18|adesmet | | |7.4.4| | | |2010-10-20|zmiller{linebreak}jfrey | | | |7.5.4| | | |danb | | | |7.5.5| | | |psilord | | |7.4.5| | | {section: Queue of future wranglers} These are the next potential wranglers. It may be out of order as people swapped spots due to immediate priorities. *:adesmet *:cweiss *:danb *:gthain *:jfrey *:johnkn *:nleroy - Skip: not available while on NMI *:psilord *:tannenba *:zmiller - Not available until early January 2010 (vacation) *: NEW CYCLE *:adesmet *:cweiss *:danb *:gthain *:jfrey *:johnkn *:nleroy - Skip: not available while on NMI *:psilord *:tannenba *:zmiller - Not available until early January 2010 (vacation) {section: List of flightworthy staff} These are the Flightworthy staff by username, and thus potential candidates. It should be kept up to date and sorted, making it easy to extend the queue above. *:adesmet *:cweiss *:danb *:gthain *:jfrey *:nleroy - Skip: not available while on NMI *:psilord *:tannenba *:zmiller