How to run a basic smoke test of the remote batch submission via ssh (nee BOSCO). This is one of the steps for each new release of HTCondor. -You need two machines: the submit machine (containing the new HTCondor release being tested) and the batch system machine (containing SLURM or similar batch system). The submit machine must be able to ssh to the batch system machine with an ssh key and no Multi-Factor Authorization. In CHTC, we have configured this to be possible going from to We will use these machine names in the following instructions. +You need two machines: the submit machine (containing the new HTCondor release being tested) and the batch system machine (containing SLURM or similar batch system). The submit machine must be able to ssh to the batch system machine with an ssh key and no Multi-Factor Authorization. In CHTC, we have configured this to be possible going from to (Note that the initial setup will require Duo one time, but further logins with ssh key should not.) We will use these machine names in the following instructions. First, login to the batch system machine and clean out any previous BOSCO installation.