-The ad hoc tools I created for creating graphs for reports are in /p/condor/workspaces/adesmet/graphs . Some of them have been moved to /p/condor/home/tools/graphs ; if they're in both places the version in /p/condor/home/tools is newer.
-TODO: Clean up graph directory.
-TODO: Migrate everything to /p/condor/home/tools.
-Old reports I've created portions for can be found at /afs/cs.wisc.edu/p/condor/workspaces/adesmet/reports
+The ad hoc tools I created for creating graphs for reports are in /p/condor/home/tools/graphs .
 Download graphs: Code is in /p/condor/home/tools/graphs/download-graphs . It's Git controlled. cndrutil's crontab on chopin.cs.wisc.edu invokes it. The resulting graphs are visiable https://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/developers/graphs/ . The CSV files are probably the most useful part, as the huge spike in usage over the last few years has left the automated graphs hard to use.