2.) Checkout origin/CMAKE, for windows you will need git 1.6.4 or greater.
-2.5) Windows only: Because the temporary structure is softlinks to the original files, this causes an issue on windows. So for the time being you will need to flatten the linking using cygwin.  cp -r -L new_build new_build_win (I'm debating on eliminating the softlinks)
+2.5) Windows only: Because the temporary structure is softlinks to the original files, this causes an issue on windows. So for the time being you will need to flatten the linking using cygwin.
+cp -r -L new_build new_build_win (I'm debating on eliminating the softlinks)
 3.) Because the build expects that you have certain pre-reqs installed and defaults to a clipped build (atm).  You will likely need to install the default set of clipped && proper libraries.  On windows this means staging the externals into a location until I can get around to writing a pre-configure script.
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
 5.) cmake ./CMakeLists.txt
 6.) make || open the visual studio project & build
+If you wish to see the native output type make VERBOSE=1
 {section: Contributing}