<html><h3> Environment </h3></html>
-<html><h4> NMI </h4></html>
+<html><h3> NMI </h4></html>
+<html><h4> NMI user account </h3></html>
 In NMI, the test lab we use here, you will also need to create a user account from which we will derive the slot user profiles from.  This is a fairly simple process, but for compleatness, the steps are included.
 For details on creating the template account Condor, please refer to WindowsUserProfiles.
+<html><h4> NMI Cygwin install </h3></html>
+*: You must be on the nmi private network to access the nmi cygwin mirror
+*: get http://cfengine/mirror/nmi_cygwin/setup.exe
+*: next, install from internet, root is C:\cygwin, packages dir is C:\cygwin\packages
+*: direct connection, add mirror http://cfengine/mirror/nmi_cygwin
+*: ensure view is on "Category", click thing next to All to set to "install" (install ALL packages), click next
 <html><h4> Command Prompt </h4></html>
 *: Right-click your *Command Prompt* shortcut, select Properties > Advanced... > Check *Run as administrator*