Our design documents are now kept in a shared Google Drive folder. To protect against their loss we're making regular backups everything in the "HTCondor Design Documents" folder. _Other documents are not backed up_ (although you can easily adapt these instructions to do so, and see "Google Takeout" below). +{section: Prerequisites } + +*: You need access to the HTCondor Design Documents. If you have not done so before, follow the directions on GoogleDriveWisdom . +*: You need a CS department login, and access to at least one Linux computer in the department. Getting this is outside of the scope of this document. + {section: Making a backup} Once per week(ish): 1: Log in per GoogleDriveWisdom. -2: If you've never done so before, follow the "Getting Set Up" instructions at GoogleDriveWisdom. - -3: Click the checkbox to the left of the folder "HTCondor Design Documents". {image: backup-1-checkbox.png} +1: Click the checkbox to the left of the folder "HTCondor Design Documents". {image: backup-1-checkbox.png} -4: Some buttons should have appeared above the list of files and folders. Click the "More" at the top, not the one on the left side. A menu should appear; click "Download...". A dialog box labelled "Convert and Download" should appear. +1: Some buttons should have appeared above the list of files and folders. Click the "More" at the top, not the one on the left side. A menu should appear; click "Download...". A dialog box labelled "Convert and Download" should appear. {image: backup-2-menu.png} -5: Next to "Change all formats to:" click "MS Office". Click "Download". +1: Next to "Change all formats to:" click "MS Office". Click "Download". {image: backup-3-download.png} -6: Wait to be notified your download is ready. The dialogue box will probably say "Zipping Complete". +1: Wait to be notified your download is ready. The dialogue box will probably say "Zipping Complete". {image: backup-4-download.png} -7: Your download should automatically start; if it doesn't click the link "click here to download". +1: Your download should automatically start; if it doesn't click the link "click here to download". {image: backup-4-download.png} -8: *If you are using Safari:* Google sent you a zip file, but your browser may have automatically opened up the zip, leaving you with a new folder named "HTCondor Design Documents." If this is true, you'll need to create a new zip file of that folder. +1: *If you are using Safari:* Google sent you a zip file, but your browser may have automatically opened up the zip, leaving you with a new folder named "HTCondor Design Documents." If this is true, you'll need to create a new zip file of that folder. -9: Ensure that the file is named something like =HTCondor_Design_Documents-2013-09-21.zip= , with the current date in the last part in =year-month-day= order. If it's not already in that pattern, rename it. +1: Ensure that the file is named something like =HTCondor_Design_Documents-2013-09-21.zip= , with the current date in the last part in =year-month-day= order. If it's not already in that pattern, rename it. -10: Put the download into our backup directory, =/p/condor/gittrac-backups/design-documents= . Don't worry about other zip files already in the directory; we're keeping all of them for now. +1: Put the download into our backup directory, =/p/condor/gittrac-backups/design-documents= . Don't worry about other zip files already in the directory; we're keeping all of them for now. *:: *I'm using my own Mac OS X computer:* Use a tool like {link: http://cyberduck.ch/ Cyberduck}. You'll want to connect to a CS department Linux computer using "SFTP". Log in with your CS department user name and password. Navigate to =/p/condor/gittrac-backups/design-documents= and copy the zip file there. *:: *I'm on a CSL supported Linux computer:* Copy the file into =/p/condor/gittrac-backups/design-documents= *:: *I'm not on a CSL supported Linux computer, but I have AFS:* Copy the file into =/afs/cs.wisc.edu/p/condor/gittrac-backups/design-documents= -9: _In a different folder_, unzip the archive and open at least one of the files to ensure it looks plausibly correct. You can delete the unzipped files afterward; we're just keeping the zip archive as a backup. +1: _In a different folder_, unzip the archive and open at least one of the files to ensure it looks plausibly correct. You can delete the unzipped files afterward; we're just keeping the zip archive as a backup. {section: Google Takeout}