IP address is no longer fixed 4 bytes nor fixed 16 bytes. It can be both of them. So, every storage class should be changed. For some of source codes that use 'int' as storage for IP address, this is most troublesome because it could be hidden to text search.
 {section: Current Condor Code Base}
-sockaddr_in* is used in many areas.
-unsigned long is used to hold IP address.
+sockaddr_in is used in many areas and also unsigned long is used to hold IP address.
-In sock.h,{linebreak}
-Things to change.{linebreak}
+There are many places to change. For example, in sock.h,{linebreak}
 unsigned int Sock::get_ip_int()
 unsigned int Sock::peer_ip_int()
-need to change source file where it calls get_ip_int(), peer_ip_int(). There are not many incidents.
+It uses 'unsigned int' to pass IP address.
 {section: The method of Attack}
-Having some network abstraction classes, single IP address class that deals both IPv4 and IPv6.
+Having some network abstraction classes, single IP address class that deals both IPv4 and IPv6. So, nobody uses sockaddr*, sockaddr_in, or just int to represent IP address.
-class Sock already has abstraction of BSD socket interface. But IP address escapes from this classes by returning it as an 4 byte int and sockaddr_in.
+class Sock already has abstraction of BSD socket interface. But, IP address escapes from this classes by returning it as an 4 byte int and sockaddr_in.
 {section: Todo}
 Manageable daily work-list.
 1. investigate every source code where calls obsolete BSD socket interface.
+2. remove every obsolete interface.
+3. investigate ipv6 address handling in C++ Boost library
+4. make unified address class (is it really required? since ipv6 can contain ipv4 addr)
 *** currently, this is just temporary page