Printing IP address to log file should be considered since existing layout may not work well. {section: Current Condor Code Base} -sockaddr_in is used in many areas and also unsigned long is used to hold IP address. +As noted earlier, Condor source has 576 lines that uses obsolete BSD functions. -There are many places to change. For example, in sock.h,{linebreak} +What makes problem complicated is that unsigned long is used to hold IP address. There are many places to change. For example, in sock.h,{linebreak} {code} unsigned int Sock::get_ip_int() unsigned int Sock::peer_ip_int() {endcode} It uses 'unsigned int' to pass IP address. +class Sock already has abstraction of BSD socket interface. But, IP address escapes from this class by returning it as an 4 byte int and sockaddr_in. It is required to check whether there are codes that directly calls BSD socket interface. + {section: The method of Attack} Having some network abstraction classes, single IP address class that deals both IPv4 and IPv6. So, nobody uses sockaddr, sockaddr_in, or plain int to represent IP address. -{linebreak} -{linebreak} -class Sock already has abstraction of BSD socket interface. But, IP address escapes from this classes by returning it as an 4 byte int and sockaddr_in. {section: Todo} Manageable daily work-list.