Change every IP address storage to that IP address class. -The class itself should be convertible to sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6. However, byte-level compatibility may not be required. So, we may have to_sockaddr_in6() function, instead of (sockaddr_in6*)& - -It is not decided whether to have host byte order or network byte order. sockaddr_in always have network byte order in it. +It is not decided whether to have host byte order or network byte order. sockaddr_in always have network byte order in it. However, the class itself should be convertible to sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6. However, byte-level compatibility may not be required. So, we need something like IPaddress::to_sockaddr_in6() function. {section: Todo} Manageable daily work-list. @@ -97,4 +95,6 @@ Current answer is no. But, we may need a 'type' flag. +*:Do you have any good arguments for having network-byte-order IP address instead of having host-byte-order IP address? + {subsection: *** currently, this is just temporary page}