My initial plan is to place prefix "condor_". inet_ntop becomes condor_inet_ntop. connect becomes condor_connect.
-I do not think we need any class that encapsulating those BSD socket interfaces.  The reason is that I do not change any semantics of BSD socket interface but only syntax. Or, if you suggest just a c++ namespace, I would certainly accept that.
+I do not think we need any class that encapsulating those BSD socket interfaces.  The reason is that I do not change any semantics of BSD socket interface but only syntax.
-Also, I am skeptical to having another socket interface layer. For application socket classes, we already have Sock, ReliSock, and so on. Any abstraction other than proxy between application socket classes and BSD socket interface? I am not thinking in that way. BSD socket interface is kinda universal since it even ported to Playstation Portable programming interface. If you have any idea, please let me know.
+Another reason is that BSD socket interface is kinda universal and well formed. For application socket classes, we already have Sock, ReliSock, and so on. Any abstraction other than proxy between application socket classes and BSD socket interface? I did not find any appealing reason. If you have any idea, please let me know.
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