sin_to_hostname     : 15
 display_from        : 0
 is_ipaddr_implementation : 2
+is_valid_network    : 13
+string_to_ip        : 16
+getSockAddr         : 9
+*string_to_ip is quite dangerous since it does not return any sockaddr_in structure but return IP address as unsigned int. There are classes of functions that doing almost same thing.
 IP address is no longer fixed 4 bytes nor fixed 16 bytes. It can be both of them. So, every storage class should be changed. For some of source codes that use 'int' as storage for IP address, this is most troublesome because it could be hidden to simple text search.
@@ -198,10 +203,14 @@
 My initial plan is to place prefix "condor_". inet_ntop becomes condor_inet_ntop. connect becomes condor_connect.
+There are some functions that already has these kind of name such as condor_inet_ntoa() in internet.c. It seems these already existing condor-specific functions are obsolete, either. Thus, we may remove or convert existing condor_ prefixed socket functions.
 I do not think we need any class that encapsulating those BSD socket interfaces.  The reason is that I do not change any semantics of BSD socket interface but only syntax.
 Another reason is that BSD socket interface is kinda universal and well formed. For application socket classes, we already have Sock, ReliSock, and so on. Any abstraction other than proxy between application socket classes and BSD socket interface? I did not find any appealing reason. If you have any idea, please let me know.
+{section: Converting each socket functions }
 Now, I would like to enumerate all the functions that must be addressed in proxy socket interface.