{section: Todo} Manageable daily work-list. +1:what is CEDAR socket? get to know this 1:currently, i have no idea how to divide source codes into chunks. so, rather start with condor_util_lib, which deals heavily with IPv4 address. -1::take a look at unit test 1::convert is_ipaddr function 1::convert convert_ip_to_hostname function 1:discuss with staffs about new sinful string format. <> will not work! encapsulate ipv6 address by [] ? like <[1234:abcd:1234::5678]:5000> ?? @@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ *:investigate every source code where calls obsolete BSD socket interface. *:make a git branch *:IpAddr class, unified address class +*:take a look at unit test {section: Note} *:In a server, we want to accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connections in single program(process). There are two choices with dealing IPv4 and IPv6 co-existence. @@ -377,3 +378,4 @@ 2010 Jan, 12 : dealt with proxy functions. mostly internet.c and condor_netdb.c. wrote simple IPv6 test case for unit test FTEST_is_ip_addr. +Jan, 18 : attempting to convert function by function. mostly targeting utility functions first.