{subsection: Unsupported}
 *:srb : they use sockaddr_in and inet_ntoa in many areas. wondering whether Condor uses that exact library.
-{subsection: Unresolved}
-*:drmaa : ??
 {subsection: IPv6 compliant}
+*:drmaa : it seems it does not call BSD socket functions directly.
 *:globus : they do use mix of sockaddr_in and sockaddr_in6. in their documentation, they have options to enable ipv6 to use.
 *:cream : i couldn't find any info about ipv6. So I manually scanned their source code (cream-c-api). There was no sign of using BSD socket interfaces at all.
 *:blahp : depends on Globus but it does not call socket functions directly. [from Jaime]