Now, I would like to enumerate all the functions that must be addressed in proxy socket interface. +*:inet_aton (standard socket function) + +It accepts text representation of IPv4 address and then convert to numeric representation. It becomes obsolete and recommended newer function is inet_pton. Calling inet_pton() requires you to choose whether given text representation is IPv4 or IPv6. + +I think it is required to convert given any IPv4 or IPv6 text string to numerical representation *automatically*. Thus, mechanically changing inet_aton() to inet_pton() is no hope. + +I would implement a function that automatically detects the address format (IPv4 or IPv6) and then converts it into numerical representation automatically. + +I would call it condor_inet_pton(). + *:is_ipaddr (internet.c) It validates whether given IP address is IP address or not. Its implementation is strictly limited to IPv4. I think it is better to code whole new function rather than converting existing function.