*::does the cmd include macros, eg $(OpSys) or $(Arch)? -*:::Such binaries can <em>eventually</em> end up in the spool. They won't get this benefit. +*:::Such binaries can _eventually_ end up in the spool. They won't get this benefit. 1:condor_submit: Calculate a hash of the executable. Insert it into the job's ClassAd. It might looks like CmdHashMD5="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e". @@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ *:::No, the hash path is the special value "invalid": Skip to step 7. *:::Yes: Hard link the ickpt to the hash path. Failure to link is okay; we may end up with duplicate copies in the SPOOL, but everything will work fine. Log a warning and move on. *::Yes: Great, we'll reuse that. Tell condor_submit: "No thanks." Hard link from hash path to the ickpt ("$SPOOL/cluster7524.ickpt.subproc0"). - </ol> 1:At this point the job is queued and all is well. We'll continue when it's time to remove the ickpt file because the job is leaving the queue for whatever reason: @@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ We're not going to tackle the issue of sharing sandboxes (input and output files) in the spool. There are many complications there: sandbox files can change, necessitating some sort of copy of write system; sandbox ownership changes over time based on the state of jobs. This might be useful future work, but it's a massive task. -By "link" we mean a hard link. On most Unix like systems, we're talking about link(). On Windows, we're talking about {link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363860(VS.85).aspx CreateHardLink()}</a>. +By "link" we mean a hard link. On most Unix like systems, we're talking about link(). On Windows, we're talking about {link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363860(VS.85).aspx CreateHardLink()}. {section: Future work:}