If someone downgrades, everything will still work fine, but lots of exe-username-MD5-asdfasdfasdf files will be left behind. The admin can safely remove all of them without harm! Of course, no one would ever downgrade Condor. -We're not going to tackle the issue of sharing sandboxes (input and output files) in the spool. There are many complications there: sandbox files can change, necessitating some sort of copy of write system; sandbox ownership changes over time based on the state of jobs. This might be useful future work, but it's a massive task. +We're not going to tackle the issue of sharing sandboxes (input and output files) in the spool. There are many complications there: sandbox files can change, necessitating some sort of copy on write system; sandbox ownership changes over time based on the state of jobs. This might be useful future work, but it's a massive task. By "link" we mean a hard link. On most Unix like systems, we're talking about link(). On Windows, we're talking about {link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363860(VS.85).aspx CreateHardLink()}.