If someone downgrades, everything will still work fine, but lots of exe-username-MD5-asdfasdfasdf files will be left behind.  The admin can safely remove all of them without harm!  Of course, no one would ever downgrade Condor.
+If an exe-username-MD5-asdfasdfasdf file is erroneously deleted, the system keeps working.  Duplicate copies of the file may later be made, but existing jobs will never notice.  (Removing the ickpt file for a given job will break it, but that's the existing situation.)
 We're not going to tackle the issue of sharing sandboxes (input and output files) in the spool.  There are many complications there: sandbox files can change, necessitating some sort of copy on write system; sandbox ownership changes over time based on the state of jobs.  This might be useful future work, but it's a massive task.
 By "link" we mean a hard link.  On most Unix like systems, we're talking about link().  On Windows, we're talking about {link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363860(VS.85).aspx CreateHardLink()}.
@@ -174,7 +176,7 @@
 *: We can hard code to prepend "exe-$EscapedOwner" to the list of "things".  This means the filename is an exact match for the CmdHash value, simplifying queries mapping jobs to files and vice versa.  This might make life a bit easier for admins.  It will also simplify garbage collection of unused files.
-*: We may someday stop having ickpt files (see "Future work" above). If the user can change his own CmdHash, we'll lose track of his ickpt file.  This isn't serius; we'll eventually reclaim it on a garbage collection pass, but it does at least temporarily waste disk space.
+*: We may someday stop having ickpt files (see "Future work" above). If the user can change his own CmdHash, we'll lose track of his ickpt file.  This isn't serious; we'll eventually reclaim it on a garbage collection pass, but it does at least temporarily waste disk space.