*:If we are archiving a build, we should do the build out of the archive, identically to if we were trying to rebuild from the archive in the future. This ensures that the archive works and simplifies the code as we always follow the same code path. This will increase disk I/O on whatever machine it is done on, likely the already heavily loaded NMI submit node. *:Proposal: Add a new machine: "Packager" which makes read-only disk space available. A submitted job is done on the packager. The packager collects all of the input into the archive location, then submits the "real" jobs the NMI submit point. Initially the packager would expose the archive location as NFS or similar to the submit point, otherwise looking like a "normal" build. This needlessly routes data through the submit node, but should work without Metronome changes. As Condor's capability to draw files from web or other inputs grows, individual execute nodes could pull files directly from the packager. + +*:Todd M notes, "If having Metronome track what's fetched on the execute hosts would actually be helpful (note that we wouldn't want to manage the cache, since that's really Condor's job (Condor's, not Flightworthy), I could probably add a 'remote_fetch' step..."