{section: Goal} -If the Condor Project were to disappear, Condor's work, in the form of buildable software, should survive. NMI should have all of the input files necessary to rebuild a given release, independent of the existence of upstream Condor. +Miron is interested in what it would take to make reproducible builds of Condor in the build and test environment. These builds should be "on-demand"--perhaps eventually via a web interface--and ideally should not rely on the Condor Flightworthy infrastructure. That is, we should be able to stash what is necessary for a build, and therefore be able to do the builds independently. + +{section: Steps we know we need to take} + -It is not necessary to be able to reproduce a given build exactly. In particular, the platforms that Condor was built on may no longer be part of the NMI pool {section: Current Situation}