{subsection: Create an AWS Lambda function}
-An AWS Lambda function is a way of running (usually small snippets of) code on AWS without starting an instance.  =condor_annex= uses this ability to ensure that the duration you specify when starting an annex is not exceeded, even if the Linux machine is longer running when the lease expires.  We've created a CloudFormation template which creates and configures the Lambda function for you; it can be found in your RELEASE_DIR/FIXME.  If you're not running your web browser on your Linux machine, you'll need to copy this file from the latter to the former.
+An AWS Lambda function is a way of running (usually small snippets of) code on AWS without starting an instance.  =condor_annex= uses this ability to ensure that the duration you specify when starting an annex is not exceeded, even if the Linux machine is longer running when the lease expires.  We've created a CloudFormation template which creates and configures the Lambda function for you; it can be found in =RELEASE_DIR/FIXME=.  If you're not running your web browser on your Linux machine, you'll need to copy this file from the latter to the former.
 To create the instance profile, go to the {link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-1#/stacks?filter=active CloudFormation} console; log in if you need to.  Then (these instructions should look familiar):