1: Click the "Next" button.
 1: You don't need to change anything on this (the "Options") page.  Click the "Next" button.
 1: Check the box next to "I acknowledge" (down near the bottom) and click the "Create" button (where the "Next" button was).
-1: AWS will display a list of stacks; wait for the one you just created (it may be the only one) to enter the "CREATE_COMPLETE" state.  You may need to refresh your browser.
+1: AWS will display a list of stacks; wait for the one you just created (it may be the only one) to have "CREATE_COMPLETE" in the column labelled "Status".  You may need to refresh (use the circling-arrow button) to update the list.
 1: Select the stack you just created (click on the status rather than the name), and then select the "Outputs" tab.
 1: Copy the long string labelled "InstanceConfigurationProfile"; where you see =InstanceConfigurationProfile= in the following instructions, replace it with the string you copied here.