{section: Current and past wranglers} Entries marked with _?_ indicates the name is the person who sent the announcement to condor-world, which may not have been the actual wrangler. Note that released versions may jump around in wrangler order: sometimes people swapped positions because of higher priorities, and sometimes wranglers were assigned as needed, but the releases were actually made in reverse order. -|Released |Wrangler |7.2 |7.3 |7.4 |7.5 | +|*Released*|*Wrangler* |*7.2*|*7.3*|*7.4*|*7.5*| |2009-02-20|gquinn _?_ |7.2.1| | | | |2009-02-26|danb _?_ | |7.3.0| | | |2009-04-14|burnett _?_|7.2.2| | | | @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ |2010-04-26|psilord | | | |7.5.2| | |adesmet (replacing tannenba) | | |7.4.3| | | |cweiss (replacing gthain) | | | |7.5.3| +| |zmiller | | | |7.5.4| {section: Queue of future wranglers} These are the next potential wranglers. It may be out of order as people swapped spots due to immediate priorities. @@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ *:danb *:jfrey *:psilord -*:zmiller *: NEW CYCLE *:adesmet *:cweiss